Page 36 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 36


           A WHITE JADE ‘GEESE’ GROUP                清十八至十九世紀   白玉寶鵝
           QING DYNASTY, 18TH – 19TH CENTURY
           finely carved with two geese standing on a rocky promontory
           above churning waves, the two enamoured birds biting on a   香港藝術館(標籤)
           spray of millet, the stone of an even white colour, wood stand
           15.5 cm, 6⅛ in.

           Hong Kong Museum of Art (label).
           HK$ 300,000-500,000
           US$ 38,300-64,000

           A related jade carving of a single goose grasping in its beak   見一清宮舊藏玉鵝,同樣口銜麥穗,現藏台北故宮博物
           a sprig of millet, from the Qing court collection and is now   院(編號:古玉003809)。另一青白玉寶鴨,曾三次拍
           in the National Palace Museum, Taipei (inventory no. guyu   賣,首次於香港蘇富比1975年11月17日,編號289,再
           003809). See also a celadon jade carving of a single duck
           standing on a boulder, sold three times at auction, first in   於香港佳士得1992年9月29日易手,編號738,後再次
           these rooms, 17th November 1975, lot 289, then at Christie’s   於香港蘇富比2012年4月8日,編號1871。
           Hong Kong 29th September 1992, lot 738, and again in these
           rooms, 8th April 2012, lot 1871.

          Other view

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