Page 73 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 73


             A BISCUIT LONGQUAN CELADON               The present jar, crisply decorated with impressed biscuit
             ‘IMMORTALS’ JAR, GUAN                    panels, belongs to a renowned type of Longquan celadon
             YUAN – EARLY MING DYNASTY                wares. Among the famous examples is a covered jar of
                                                      this size and design from the collection of the Manno Art
             robustly potted with a baluster body rising from a gently   Museum, but attributed to the late 14th to early 15th century,
             flared foot to a wide cylindrical neck, the exterior decorated   included in Chinese Arts of the Sung and Yuan Periods, Tokyo
             with eight quatrefoil panels in biscuit, each variously   National Museum, Tokyo, 1961, cat. no. 206, and sold at
             depicting one of the Eight Daoist Immortals, above another   Christie’s London, 21st June 2001, lot 94.
             horizontal register of biscuit panels depicting stylised floral   The octagonal form of the current jar is reminiscent of the
             sprays, the rim encircled by chevron and lappet bands,   14th century facetted meiping with eight biscuit panels of
             applied overall save for the biscuit panels with a sea-green   Daoist immortals from the Sir Percival David Collection
             glaze                                    and now in the British Museum, included in Stacey Pierson,
             36.8 cm, 14½ in.
                                                      Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art: A Guide to the
                                                      Collection, London, 2002, cat. no. 35 (PDF.203).
             Collection of Mrs Albert R. Louis.
             Sotheby’s New York, 29th November 1956, lot 312.   此罐巧以澀胎模印飾紋,配合青釉,相得益彰,類屬龍
             Sotheby’s New York, 22nd February 1973, lot 200.
             HK$ 100,000-150,000                      初,收錄在《中國宋元美術展目錄》,東京國立博物
             US$ 12,800-19,200
            元至明初   龍泉青釉露胎開光八仙花卉紋罐
            來源:                                       露胎八仙梅瓶異曲同工,該瓶現存倫敦大英博物館,
            Albert R. Louis 夫人收藏                      圖見畢宗陶,《Percival David Foundation of Chinese
            紐約蘇富比1956年11月29日,編號312                    Art: A Guide to the Collection》,倫敦,2002年,編號
            紐約蘇富比1973年2月22日,編號200                     35(PDF.203)。

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