Page 74 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 74


           AN INSCRIBED WHITE JADE ‘ORCHID           清十九世紀   白玉題詩蘭亭雲泉圖插屏
           QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY                刻文:
           of rectangular form, the front face worked in relief depicting   御題蘭亭圖。
           scholars gathered at Lanting (Orchid Pavilion) amongst a   御史西臺變姓名,蘭亭賺得促歸程;溪橋跋馬伊誰氏,
           mountainous landscape, below a gilt-inscribed imperial poem   應是馳來徐善行。
           corresponding to the scene, the reverse with two further   御製雲泉初瀑。
           scholars and their attendant journeying up the mountains
           towards the Yunquan waterfalls below another imperial   春氣濛濛欲濕衣,山樓樹色嫩青圍;巖冰嶺雪消融候,
           poem corresponding to the scene, the stone of an even white   併作新泉落下飛。
           tone with occasional milky inclusions
           25.8 by 17.5 cm, 10⅛ by 6⅞ in.
           HK$ 150,000-200,000
           US$ 19,200-25,600

           The present jade plaque follows the tradition of shiyi tu   玉屏遵循詩意圖之傳統,以詩入畫,畫中有詩,屏上詩
           (poetic paintings), which aims to translate poetry into   畫相輔相乘,更添意趣。屏一面雕琢冬雪方消、初瀑臨
           artworks. The aesthetics and poetic quality of this type of   泉之景,詠嘆新春之美。另一面則刻劃蘭亭雅集,王羲
           works are amplified through the juxtaposition of the poems
           with the corresponding pictorial depiction.  之與一眾文人聚首,曲水流觴,飲酒賦詩。參考台北故
           On the present plaque, one scene illustrates a pavilion
           overlooking a freshly melted waterfall, which announces   見《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉器特展圖錄》,台
           the arrival of Spring. The other scene depicts Wang Xizhi   北,1997年,編號67。
           at the famous Lanting (Orchid Pavilion) gathering near
           Shanyin, Zhejiang province, to celebrate the Spring Purifying
           Ceremony in the 9th year of the Yonghe reign (353 AD). The
           wine cups on leaves floating down the stream refers to the
           poetry competition, which condemned the scholars to drink
           wine if they failed to come up with a poem.
           A slightly smaller table screen, decorated with scholars
           and inscribed with an imperial poem, is in the collection of
           the National Palace Museum, Taipei, and illustrated in The
           Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic
           and Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei, 1997, cat. no.

           Inscription on the reverse side

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