Page 173 - Korean Buncheong Ceramics, Samsung Museum Collection (great book)
P. 173


          Page references in italic refer to illustrations.

          A                                    Buddhism, 81, 125                    chrysanthemums (fig. 3.3), 75–76, 102, 102
          abstract decoration (cats. 11, 27, 30), 21, 37, 38,   buncheong:             on buncheong (cats. 5, 21, 44, 57; fig. 1.6),
               50, 51, 55, 55, 68, 76, 85, 86, 87, 91  celadon tradition in relation to, 4–8  2, 12, 13, 44, 55, 71, 75–76, 76, 98, 99
            ambiguous designs (cats. 11, 55), 21, 90,    contemporary ceramics related to, 122–28  on Goryeo celadon (figs. 1.2, 2.5, 2.12, 2.13),
               90–91, 91                          decorative techniques in, 20–21, 52–64  6, 52, 75, 75
            iron-painted patterns and (cats. 13, 32, 33),   design motifs in, 66–91    on Japanese ceramics (cat. 65; figs. 3.7,
               24, 58–60, 58–60                   determinant features of, 4              3.8), 107, 108, 118, 119
            scroll motifs (cats. 22, 32, 52–54), 45, 58,   government management of production,    Chungcheong Province, 14
               87–88, 87–89                          16, 18–19                         decorative techniques in, 20, 28, 30, 58
          Agano ware, 97, 106, 115, 132n.40       in Japan, 95–121                     kilns in, 18, 27–28, 30–31
          An Hwa-sang, 16                         kiln sites for, 27–30                see also Hakbong-ri kilns
          Arita kilns, 107, 112                   metalware shortage and emergence of,   Chunghyo-dong kilns (fig. 1.9), 28–29, 29, 50
                                                     8–10                           cintamani jewels (cat. 55), 8, 90, 90–91
          B                                       production methods for, 22, 32, 37, 38  Cizhou ceramics, 93n.11
          bamboo (fig. 1.7), 16, 75               relationship between porcelain and, 19–22,   clog-shaped tea bowls (fig. 3.4), 103, 103
          birds (cats. 1, 42, 43, 56), 5, 72, 72–74, 96  30, 33, 43                 clouds:
            see also cranes                       shapes of, 38, 41–50                 on buncheong (cats. 2, 55), 7, 90, 90–91
          Bizen kilns, 100                        size and structure of kilns for, 30–32  on Goryeo celadon (figs. 2.10, 2.11), 72, 72
          black-glazed stoneware (fig. 2.2), 47, 47  as term, 4                     Confucianism, 10, 50, 81
            contemporary (cat. 67), 122, 123   bungjang hoecheong sagi (buncheong sagi or   Confucian scholar, symbols of, 81, 93n.19
          blue-and-white porcelain (figs. 1.7, 2.9), 16, 16,   buncheongja), 4      copper-green glaze (cat. 60; figs. 3.10, 3.11),
               19–20, 67, 67, 88               Bunwon kilns, 16, 18, 19, 20, 30, 54, 67, 85, 88, 95,   109–11, 110–11, 112, 132n.30
          Boryeong kilns, 27, 28, 30                 98, 121, 131n.6                covered bowls (cats. 24, 25; fig. 2.3), 47, 48, 49
          bottles (cat. 1), 5, 28, 72          Bureau of Painting, 16               covered box, Goryeo inlaid lacquer (fig. 2.4),
            Japanese (cat. 60), 108–10, 109    Busan:                                     52, 52
            small (cats. 28, 53), 53, 53, 88      Japan House in, 97, 104           cranes (cats. 45, 46, 66; figs. 2.10, 2.11, 3.8, 3.12),
            tortoise-shaped (cat. 46), 80         kilns at (figs. 3.5, 3.12), 27, 104, 104, 106,    72, 72, 78–80, 107–8, 108, 119, 120, 132n.25
            see also drum-shaped bottles;            119, 120                       cross decoration (fig. 3.14), 119, 121, 121
               flask-shaped bottles; maebyeongs;   Buzen Province, 97, 115          cups with ear handles (cat. 4, fig. 1.5), 10, 11
               teardrop-shaped bottles
          bowls (cats. 5, 29, 48, 52, 58; fig. 1.6), 12, 13, 47,   C                D
               48, 54, 83, 87, 100             celadon, 4–8, 68                     decorative techniques, 20–21, 52–64
            covered (cats. 24, 25; fig. 2.3), 47, 48, 49  with crane motifs, 108, 132n.25  see also specific techniques
            semioblong (fig. 3.14), 119–21, 121   inlaid (cat. 2; figs. 1.2, 2.5), 6, 6–8, 7, 52, 52  Deoknyeongbu inscriptions, 13
            spouted (cat. 26), 47, 49             see also Goryeo celadon           design motifs, 66–91
            see also tea bowls                 censers (cat. 63), 116, 117             see also specific motifs
          bronze(s), 10, 19, 47, 50            Central Asia, 47                     dishes:
            covered bowl (fig. 2.3), 47, 48    chanoyu. See tea ceremony               buncheong (cats. 6, 35), 13, 62
            cups with ear handles (fig. 1.5), 10, 11  Cheonan kilns, 27, 28, 31        of Edo Japan (cat. 61; figs. 3.7, 3.8), 108,
          brushed white-slip designs:          China, 98                                  108, 112, 113
            on buncheong (cats. 14, 25, 27, 35, 36;    Ming (1368–1644), 3, 8, 19, 20, 93n.11, 131n.5  dogs (cat. 30), 56
               fig. 3.2), 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 33, 49, 51, 62,   ritual bronzes, 50  Dongguk yeoji seungram (Augmented Survey of
               62–64, 63, 100–101, 101, 134       Song (960–1279), 41, 93n.11, 100        the Geography of Korea), 18
            on contemporary ceramics, 98, 100–101  Tang (618–907), 47, 111          dots (cats. 7–9, 12, 20, 29), 14, 15, 22, 23, 43, 54,
            in Japan (cats. 60, 61), 98, 100–101, 109, 110,   Christianity, 121           55, 60, 61, 77 (detail), 134
               110, 112, 113
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