Page 49 - Sothebys Fine Chinese paintings Hong Kong
P. 49
Mount Chicheng in Red 赤城霞標
Of all the mountains, Chicheng, literally “red chopping block where a Buddhist temple stands. 赤城山,去縣最近,山不甚大,而象特嚴麗。如金
city”, is the nearest from the county. Although Here, the trickling spring is refreshing enough 城百雉,莫可梯越。其石作殷紅色,苔蘚不侵。孫
not at all lofty, it is gorgeous and as forbidding to banish any sweltering heat. A zigzag flight of 綽《天台山賦》所以有霞標之目也。山半有巖如夏
as the perimeter wall of any impregnable city. more than a thousand steps leads upwards to yet 屋,僧就架楹為寺。巖中泉水滴瀝,對之涼沁心
Its rocks are free from mosses and scarlet in another temple. The small cave inscribed with 脾。曲折千餘級為上巖,亦有僧寺依之。巖上小
colour, lending a hallmark to the mountain as the characters “yu jing” there is held by Daoists 洞鐫有「玉京」二字,道家以此為茅盈所治之第
observed by the Eastern Jin poet Sun Chuo in to be associated with Mao Ying, the founder of
his fu-rhapsody on Mount Tiantai. Halfway up the Maoshan Sect, and the sixth Grotto-Heaven. 六洞天。
the mountain is a terrace resembling a huge