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P. 51

Quoqing Temple amidst Pines                                                國清松徑

           Each issuing from Mount Folong, the two brooks   Zhenyuan, the poet-monks Hanshan and Shide   國清寺左右二澗,自佛隴山發源,分折而下,合於
           flanking the Guoqing Temple converge right in   were staying at the temple. On learning this from   寺門。南流至神蹟石,匯入大溪。隋開皇十八年,
           front of it. The water then flows southwards and   Monk Fenggan, the prefect Lüqiu Yin went over   僧智顗始建寺。相傳顗初至天台,夜夢古佛指授,
           empties into the river Daxi on reaching the Shenji   to pay a visit. He arrived to find the pair chatting   有「寺若成,國即清」之語,因即以「國清」為寺
           Rock. The temple was first built by the Buddhist   heartily away by a burning stove. As soon as the   額。唐貞元間,寒山、拾得現寺中。太守閭邱蔭知
           monk Zhizhe in the 18  year of the Sui reign of   caller came up to them to bow in obeisance, they   於豐干,遂訪之。二人方據火竈下談笑。閭邱前
           Kaihuang (598). Legend has it that, on his first   fled. All that has survived in relation to the story
           visit to Tiantai, the monk had a visitation from   are the very stove used by the two monks and   揖,遂馳遯。今遺有寒拾舊竈及豐干橋。橋畔為萬
           Buddha in a dream that peace would return to   the Fenggan Bridge. Next to the bridge is the trail   松徑,歷磴道而上,為金地嶺。
           the country on completion of a temple there.   Wansong, or “myriad pines”, which leads uphill to
           Accordingly, he gave the temple the denotative   Peak Jindi.
           name of “Guoqing”.  During the Tang reign of
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