Page 55 - Sothebys Fine Chinese paintings Hong Kong
P. 55

Peak Huading above Clouds                                                  華頂凌雲

           Higher than anywhere else in Tiantai, Peak   the Han recluse Gao Cha used to live in seclusion.  華頂峯高萬八千丈,上出雲表,雖晦雨可見日出
           Huading rises above the clouds and presents   Towards the very top are Wang Xizhi’s Inkwell, Li   入,天台最高處也。其徑自銀地嶺北上十餘里,為
           itself as a vantage point for admiring sunrises   Bai’s Study and the Longzhao Pool. The spring   寒風闕。天風蓬蓬,有挾人凌虛之勢。又北過察
           and sunsets even on gloomy days. Extending   here spurts out so powerfully that it is quite a   嶺,漢隱士高察舊居也。頂上有右軍墨池、太白書
           more than ten li-miles, a trail leads uphill from   sight. Further up is the Wanghai Point with the   堂,又有龍爪潭。泉源沛發,覽者異之。再上為望
           Peak Yindi to the tower Hanfeng, where the wind   Fumo Stupa and the Lijing Terrace which are said   海尖、有伏魔塔、禮經臺,傳並智顗故蹟。
           is so strong that passers-by can easily be lifted   to be associated with Monk Zhizhe.
           up to the sky. To the north is Peak Cha, where
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