Page 63 - Fine Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Hong Kong May 2018
P. 63

           A RARE WHITE JADE DUCK-SHAPED     The present lot, well-hollowed and   此玉雕鴨洗雙翼上所飾仿古雲紋具宋明遺
           WASHER                            carved as a washer, is rare as more often   風,體現了乾隆帝的慕古情懷,為此曾下旨
           18th century                      representations of ducks in jade are   命宮廷畫師為宮中所藏高古器繪製《西清古
           Crisply carved in the form of a recumbent   carved either in the round or as boxes and   鑑》,並為宮廷造辦處工匠創作帶來靈感。
           duck, the head raised and the feet neatly   covers. The archaistic inspiration is clearly   更多有關乾隆帝及仿古玉器的論述,參見張
           tucked underneath the body, the wings   demonstrated in the C scrolls on the wings   麗端著《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉器特
           delicately rendered in low relief folded on the   and relates not only to Song and Ming   展圖錄》,臺北,1997年,頁49-50。
           sides and intricately incised with plumage   revival of archaic bronzes but more directly
           and archaistic scrolls, the well-polished stone   to Qianlong emperor’s instruction to jade   鴨為明清玉雕常見題材之一,明清時,通過
           of an attractive white tone with minor russet   craftsmen to take inspiration from antiquity;   最高殿試後會再分三級,稱為三甲,一甲前
           striations, box.                  see Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the   三名稱狀元、榜眼、探花。「一甲一名」為
           12.5cm (5in) long (2).            Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and   狀元。取「甲」與「鴨」諧音,此件鴨洗有
                                             Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei,   「狀元及第」、「平步青雲」的吉祥寓意。
           HK$200,000 - 300,000              1997, pp.49-50.
           US$25,000 - 38,000                                                  此類玉雕鴨式洗極為罕見,近似例可參考台
                                             The representation of the duck has the   北國立故宮博物院藏一件清代白玉鳥形水
                                             symbolism associated with the first scholar,   盛,見《集瓊藻:院藏珍玩精華展》,台
           十八世紀 白玉雕鴨形洗                       zhuangyuan 狀元; the character of duck   北,2017年,頁149,編號IV-16。
                                             (ya 鴨) also bears the radical for the word
           Provenance:                       ‘armour’ (jia 甲) where jia is the word to
           A Japanese private collection, by repute   classify successful candidates in the final civil
                                             service exam.
           傳日本私人收藏                           Jade washers in the form of a duck are rare.
                                             Compare, however, a related white and
                                             russet jade ‘bird’ washer, Qing dynasty, in the
                                             National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated
                                             in A Garland of Treasures: Masterpieces of
                                             Precious Crafts in the Museum Collection,
                                             Taipei, 2017, p.149, no.IV-16.

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