Page 50 - Chinese Art October 2017 San Francisco
P. 50


           5120                              PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF   5125
           DISHES WITH CIRCULAR RESERVES                                      DECORATED IN FAMILLE ROSE
           Yongzheng marks, Republic period                                   ENAMELS
           Each dish thinly molded with a flared rim to   5123                Tongzhi marks, late Qing/Republic period
           the curving well, the four reserves filled with   A FAMILLE ROSE ENAMELED DISH  The largest of hexagonal section painted
                                             Tongzhi mark, late Qing/Republic period
           insects and seasonal blossoms rendered   Thickly molded with a foliate rim and   on the exterior with a pair of magpies on
           in famille rose enamels and surrounded by   conforming ribs to the shallow well painted   a garden rock amid blossoms, turquoise
           the rose enamel ground incised with further                        enamel covering the interior well and the
           blossoms and leaves, the rim banded in gilt   with ribboned attributes of the Eight Immortals   deeply recessed foot bearing a stamped six-
                                             and a floral medallion at the center of the well,
           and the recessed base bearing the four-  the reverse painted with four floral sprays and   character mark in seal script; and a pair of
           character mark in blue enamel seal script   the recessed base bearing the six-character   five-lobed floriform bowls, each painted with
           (wear to gilt and enamels).       mark in iron red seal script inscribed within a   pheasants, garden rocks and flowers on the
           7 1/4in (18.5cm) diameter         double square.                   exterior walls, turquoise enamel covering the
                                             9 5/8in (24.5cm) diameter        interior well and the recessed base bearing
                                                                              a six-character mark painted in iron red seal
           US$3,000 - 5,000                                                   script (all with wear to gilt and turquoise
                                             US$800 - 1,200                   enamels).
           5121                                                               8 1/2 and 4 3/4in (21.5 and 12cm) diameters
           A YELLOW GROUND VASE WITH         5124
           FAMILLE ROSE ENAMEL DECORATION                                     US$800 - 1,200
           Qianlong mark, Republic period    TWO FAMILLE ROSE ENAMELED BOWLS
                                             Tongzhi marks, late Qing/Republic period
           Its wide body painted in bright enamels with   The first a footed bowl of square section with   PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE
           palace children celebrating the New Year                           COLLECTION, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA
           as they play amid three auspicious rams in   canted corners enameled on the exterior with
                                             flowering branches against a brocade pattern
           a garden setting below a waisted neck with   on a turquoise enamel ground that also   5126
           two handles and floral devices painted en   covers the interior well and the recessed base   A DOUCAI BOWL
           suite against a yellow ground, the concave   bearing the six-character mark in iron red seal   Qianlong mark, Republic period
           base bearing the four-character mark in blue                       Of ‘horse-hoof’ or mati shape, the everted
           enamel and China scratched on a pale green   script (chipped); the second of square section,  rim surmounting tapered sides covered in
                                             the canted walls painted with composite
           ground that also covers the inside neck (minor   lotus flowers and leaf sprays against a yellow   colorful bush roundels and pomegranates, the
           chip).                            ground, turquoise enamel covering the interior   recessed base bearing the six-character mark
           9 1/8in 23.2cm) high                                               in underglaze cobalt.
                                             well, the recessed base bearing the six-  6in (15.25cm) diameter
                                             character mark painted in iron red seal script
           US$1,000 - 1,500                  on the colorless glazed ground.   US$800 - 1,200
                                             6 5/8 and 3 3/4in (16.7 and 9.4cm) square
           5122                                                               PROPERTY FROM VARIOUS OWNERS
           A SMALL BALUSTER VASE WITH        US$800 - 1,200                   5127
           OF 100 CHILDREN AT PLAY                                            A FAMILLE ROSE ENAMELED
           Qianlong mark, 20th century                                        AUSPICIOUS PEACHES DISH
           Carefully potted with a cupped rim, waisted                        Yongheng mark, 20th century
                                                                              The wide shallow well painted in iron red and
           neck and body of inverted pear form, painted
           in bright colors and delicate outline with young                   brilliantly hued enamels with bats hovering
                                                                              over branches laden with five auspicious
           boys in princely attire celebrating with lanterns                  peaches and delicate leaves, the exterior walls
           and musical instruments and reversed by a                          covered with three additional peaches and the
           fourteen-character poem in black enamel with                       recessed base bearing the six-character mark
           red seals, the recessed base bearing the four-                     in underglaze blue.
           character mark in blue enamel (chip to rim).                       8in (20.3cm) diameter
           7 1/8in (18cm) high
                                                                              US$800 - 1,200
           US$1,000 - 1,500

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