Page 86 - Chinese Art October 2017 San Francisco
P. 86


           PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE OREGON    5235                             PROPERTY FROM VARIOUS OWNERS
           COLLECTOR                         A MOLDED AND FAMILLE ROSE
                                             ENAMELED SNUFF BOTTLE            5238
           5233                              Late 18th/early 19th century     FOUR PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES
                                             The flattened ogee form bottle standing
           TEN SNUFF BOTTLES                 on a protruding and spreading foot, with a   19th century
           19th/20th century                 waisted neck, gilt, convex lip, each main side   The first an oval jarlet form bottle, the side
           Including three blue and white porcelain   with a conforming reserve framing figures   walls painted in copper-red with a dragon
           bottles; one copper red and underglaze blue   in a decorated interior setting, set against a   striding through clouds, pursuing a flaming
           bottle painted with a camel under a gated   turquoise glazed ground with raised stipples,   pearl; the second a tapering cylindrical
           defensive wall; three overlay decorated   the shoulders with two gilt faux lion mask-  bottle, the slender body painted to its sides
           glass bottles; two chalcedony bottles; and   and-ring handles, the slightly recessed   in copper-red, depicting a boy herding his
           an inside-painted glass bottle imitating   underside inscribed Qianlong nian zhi mark in   buffaloes along a rocky path with gnarled
           chalcedony; together with a European rock   seal script.           trees; the third and fourth of cylindrical form,
           crystal perfume bottle [11].      2in (5.1cm) high                 both decorated in copper-red and underglaze
           2 1/8 to 3 1/16in (5.4 to 7.8cm) height of snuff                   blue, one depicting a figure with a camel and
           bottles                           US$800 - 1,200                   cow passing by a gated and walled town; the
                                                                              fourth displaying a fictional scene of a scholar
           US$1,000 - 1,500                  5236                             with his servants standing near a horse under
                                                                              a tree.
                                             A GROUP OF FOUR SNUFF BOTTLES    2 1/4 to 3 3/8in (5.7 to 8.6 cm) high
           Please note that this lot is being offered   19th/early 20th century
                                             Comprising of one molded and famille rose
           without reserve                   enameled porcelain bottle decorated with   US$1,000 - 1,500
           無底價拍品                             female figures and young children in a terrace;
                                             a thin turquoise bottle, carved in relief with
           Due to the large number of pieces in this lot,   grape vines, a squirrel and butterfly; a well-  5239
           condition reports and photos of individual   hollowed rounded square chalcedony bottle   THREE SNUFF BOTTLES
           items will not be available.      flanked with two faux lion mask-and-ring   Including two Canton enameled metal bottles,
           鑒於本組物品所含數量, 各體細節照片及品像             handles on the narrow sides; the fourth carved  each painted with figural reserves against
           報告將不予以提供                          from rock crystal as a recumbent camel, its   a yellow ground filled with flowers and leafy
                                             humps hollowed as two conjoined bottles.    scrolls; the third a well-hollowed chalcedony
                                             1 7/16 to 2 3/4in (3.7 to 7cm) high  bottle, with a flat foot, concave lip, the light
                                                                              honey-toned matrix cast with dark color
                                             US$800 - 1,200                   inclusions.
           5234                                                               1 5/8 to 2 1/8in (4.2 to 5.4cm) high
           19th century                      PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF   US$600 - 800
           Including three blue and white bottles, one   H. LEE TURNER, KANSAS
           painted with Zhongkui and demons, the
           second displaying a legendary battle scene,   5237
           the third depicting a scholar and his attendant   A PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE WITH
           crossing a bridge in a village outside of a   KATYDID DECORATION
           walled palace; the fourth a molded and famille   Imperial, Jingdezhen kilns, Daoguang mark
           rose enameled bottle, decorated around the   and of the period 1821-1850
           sides with female figures and children on a   The rounded bottle with a short waisted neck,
           terrace.                          very slightly convex lip, painted on each main
           2 1/2 to 2 7/8in (6.4 to 7.3cm) high  side with a katydid, the enamels in green
                                             and yellow with black penciled details, the
                                             underside enclosing the four-character mark
           US$1,000 - 1,500                  in iron-red.
                                             2 1/2in (6.4cm) high

                                             US$1,000 - 1,500
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