Page 114 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 114

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          PU RU (1896-1963)                溥儒     澄潭湛綠     設色紙本     鏡框               PU RU (1896-1963)
          Lakeside                                              一九四九年作        Ink Lotus
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour   題識: 連峯隱蒼翠,行行越山麓。       Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper
          on paper                              秋色滿空林,寒禽集孤木。                  92 x 37 cm. (36 º x 14 ¬ in.)
          68 x 32 cm. (26 Æ x 12 ¬ in.)         白鹿去不還,澄潭湛空綠。                  Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the
          Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the   山雲本無心,胡為出幽谷。         artist
          artist                                適天先生正筆。
          Dated tenth month, jichou year (1949)  己丑(1949年)十月,西山逸士溥儒。          HK$70,000-90,000  US$9,100-12,000
          Dedicated to Shitian
                                           鈐印:舊王孫、溥儒、玉壺、志在高山                  溥儒     墨菏     水墨紙本     鏡框
          Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Modern   來源: 香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,       題識: 玉露零池沼,清波滿殿陰。
          Paintings, 25 November 2014, Lot 1776.  2014年11月25日,編號1776。              靈和今夜月,歌舞珮聲沉。
          NOTE:                            註:上款人適天即劉適天(1910-1998),
          The recipient Liu Shitian (1910-1998)   1930年代留學德國,1936年回國後任職於國     鈐印:舊王孫、溥儒
          studied in Germany in the 1930s. In 1936, he   民政府中央信託局,1949年移居台灣。
          returned to China and worked at the Central
          Trust Bureau of the National Government.
          He moved to Taiwan in 1949.

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