Page 47 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 47
Prior to World War II, Mr. Chew Lian Seng 二戰前,周蓮生在馬來西亞經營橡膠種植
was a businessman and owner of rubber 園,戰爭後進入銀行界。周先生喜好藝術,
plantations in Malaysia. He went on to
become a banker after the war. Chew was fond 是徐悲鴻客居星洲時的畫展贊助人之一。本
of art and became one of Xu Beihong’s patrons 收藏兩件書法作品均為直接得自畫家,後傳
during the artist’s stay in Singapore. The two 承至今。
calligraphic works from the collection were
acquired directly from the artists and were kept
in the family until now.
XU QIAN (1871-1940) 徐謙 書法 水墨紙本 鏡框
題識: (文不錄)。
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 馬相老以九五之年為余夫婦題《安廬
135 x 44.5 cm. (53 ¿ x 17 Ω in.) 吟草》,作歌答之,書似蓮生兄雅
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the 正。黃山樵人徐謙。
Dedicated to Liansheng (Mr. Chew Lian Seng) 鈐印:徐謙之印、季龍書畫長壽
HK$10,000-20,000 US$1,300-2,600
YU DAFU (1896-1945) 郁達夫 書法-自作詩 水墨紙本 鏡框
Calligraphy-A Self-composed Poem 一九四〇年作
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 題識: 玉兒春病胭脂淡,瘦損東風一夜花。
150.5 x 35.5 cm. (59 º x 14 in.) 鐘定月沈人不語,兩行清淚落琵琶。
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the
artist 庚辰(1940年)夏錄少作,
Dated summer, gengchen year (1940) 蓮生先生正。郁達夫。
Dedicated to Liansheng (Mr. Chew Lian Seng) 鈐印:郁達夫、身賤多慙問姓名
NOTE: 註:郁達夫,名文,字達夫,浙江富陽人,
Yu Dafu, native of Zhejiang, also known 中國近代小說家、散文家、詩人。郁達夫是
as Yu Wen, was a renowned 20th century 堅定的愛國者,一生抵抗日本侵略。抗戰初
novelist, essayist and poet. In 1938, Yu came 期,任中華全國文藝界抗敵協會常務理事,
to Singapore and became the editor for the 曾赴徐州勞軍,在各前線參訪。1938年,郁
Arts and Culture at Sin Chew Daily for 達夫抵新加坡,於《星洲日報》等文藝刊物
three years, during which he published over 擔任主編。郁達夫在星洲日報前後三年,共
400 political commentaries on war resistance 發表400多篇抗日政論。1941年底太平洋戰
towards Japan. In 1941 Yu fled Singapore
to Sumatra but was later executed by the 爭爆發後,新加坡失守,郁達夫避難至蘇門
Japanese troops. 答臘,最終被日本憲兵殺害。
Yu Dafu was a great supporter of the arts. 郁達夫熱心文化藝術事業,曾和當時旅居新
While in Singapore he frequently met with 加坡的畫家徐悲鴻、劉海粟經常來往,相信
artists Xu Beihong and Liu Haisu, and became 乃此時期與同樣愛好藝術的周蓮生認識,並
acquainted with Chew Lian Seng to whom 送贈此幅書法作品。作品所錄乃郁達夫1920
he gifted the current work. The calligraphy is 年於日本所作《西京客舍贈玉兒》,玉兒乃
a poem composed by Yu Dafu in 1920 and is 京都郁達夫客居旅社的侍女.郁達夫在留日
dedicated to a maid who worked in the guest 後期,和她保持密切關係,詩文頗具婉約派
house which Yu resided in Kyoto. The verses 的浪漫主義氣息。郁達夫以散文小說聞名,
exude a sense of subdued romantic longing 但書法作品極少見,來源清晰者更為珍罕,
and tenderness. Yu continued to maintain a
close relationship with her during the latter 此幅由新加坡藏家珍藏80年,相信其面世對
part of his stay in Japan. 郁達夫研究也會帶來裨益。
Known for his novels and essays, Yu’s
calligraphy is extremely rare. The current
piece, which has been owned by the Chew
family for eight decades, will serve as a great
contribution to further appreciate Yu Dafu’s
literary contribution.