Page 49 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 49
The friendship between Zhang Daqian and Wang Hsin-heng, spanning over decades, 張大千與王新衡友情綿延數十載,致贈作品也相當豐
resulted in numerous paintings gifted by the artist as tokens of appreciation. In the present 富。本次呈現王新衡家族收藏張大千作品最早創作於
sale of Wang’s family collection, the earliest work by Zhang dates back to the 50s, and 五十年代。及至七、八十年代,作品以祝壽或節日
those from the 70s to 80s are largely related to birthdays and celebrations, of which many 祝賀為主,多上款夫婦二人,可見友誼擴展到家庭層
are addressed to both Wang and his wife, showing the two families’ friendship. Exquisite 面。更難能可貴的是,這批張大千作品基本均收錄在
and treasured, most of the selected works are featured in The Paintings and Calligraphy of 國立歷史博物館出版的《張大千書畫集》中,可見作
Chiang Dai-Chien published by the National Museum of History. Among the paintings 品份量之重。以祝壽賀年為主的作品,多取松竹梅或
celebrating birthdays, many involved auspicious themes such as pine, bamboo, plum, and 蟠桃獻壽等吉祥題材,及至1981年壽幼蘭生辰時,大千
peach, though for Madame Youlan’s birthday in 1981, Zhang presented Verdant East Lake 以王氏夫婦寧波故鄉東湖風景入畫,創作大幅潑彩作
(Lot 1055), a splashed ink and colour painting of Dongqian Lake in Ningbo, the couple’s 品《東湖瑞翠》(編號1055),不僅可以看出大千為王
hometown. Simultaneously an especial gift for Madame Youlan and a rare splashed- 夫人別出心裁的賀壽之意,更見證了張大千晚年少見
colour work from Zhang’s later years, this remarkable painting embodies the camaraderie 的青綠潑彩山水作品,成為兩家交好的標誌性作品。
of the two families.
Besides Zhang Daqian, the family collection of Wang Hsin-heng also features other 按照創作時間,亦可以1949作分水嶺。黃君璧早年山
notable artists. The works dated before 1949, including Huang Junbi’s painting and Guo 水、郭沫若書法等作品相信是國共合作抗戰時期直接
Moruo’s calligraphy, are believed to be acquired directly from the artists in Chongqing. 於重慶得自畫家;1949年後所接觸赴台畫家,包括溥
The works by Pu Ru, Tai Jingnong, Jiang Zhaoshen, Ou Haonian, and He Huaishuo 儒、臺靜農、江兆申、歐豪年、何懷碩等名家,均有
were acquired after Wang arrived in Taiwan in 1949. Among them, Pu Ru’s Album of 作品致贈。這其中又以溥儒《唐五律佳句類選》詩畫
Paintings and Calligraphy (Lot 1058), featuring 122 Tang poems and 32 paintings, stands to 合璧冊(編號1058)最為矚目,全冊選唐人五律詩句,
be the most impressive.
A well-connected and gregarious man, Wang collected a diverse range of artistic work, 見。王氏收藏以人際交往為主線,並不執著於某家某
some of which will be part of Christie’s “Cultivating Delight” online auction. Wang 派,由古至近不同名家作品亦將於佳士得“賞心樂
Hsin-heng passed in 1987 and his son, Wang Yifang, later donated part of the family 藝”網上拍賣中呈現。1987年,王氏故去,公子王一方
collection to the National Palace Museum. A distinguished presence during his lifetime, 先生將部分藏品捐贈臺北故宮。一代風雲人物,最終
Wang Hsin-heng is fondly remembered for his splendid art collection. 以藝術收藏遺饗世人,可謂圓滿,堪為美談。
Photos 圖片
(1) Wang Hsin-heng, Zhang Daqian and the artist’s beloved pet gibbon. (1) 王新衡、張大千與心愛的長臂猿。
(2) Wang Hsin-heng and friends were present when Zhang Daqian began to paint masterpiece Mount (2) 王新衡於張大千盧山圖開畫日,由張大千提字贈圖。
Lu. Zhang inscribed on the photo and gifted it to Wang as a souvenir. (3) 三張一王轉轉會每星期在一家中聚餐品嚐美食。
(3) Wang Hsin-heng and Madame Youlan with Zhang Daqian and Xu Wenbo dining at the (4) 三張一王於張大千榮獲青天白日勳章當日在王新衡家中聚餐(客
“Roundabout Club”. 廳正中即高掛東湖瑞翠)。
(4) Zhang Daqian, Zhang Qun, Zhang Xueliang and Wang Hsin-heng gathering at Wang’s residence (5) 三張一王轉轉會每星期在一家中聚餐品嚐美食。
the day when Zhang Daqian was awarded the Order of Blue Sky and White Sun, with Verdant East (6) 王新衡、張大千文藝活動照片。
Lake displayed prominently in Wang’s living room.
(5) Zhang Daqian, Wang Hsin-heng, Zhang Qun and Zhang Xueliang dining at the “Roundabout Club”.
(6) Wang Hsin-heng and Zhang Daqian attending cultural events together.
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