Page 48 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
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A native of Cixi, Zhejiang, Wang Hsin-heng (1908-1987) enrolled in Shanghai University 王新衡(1908-1987),浙江省慈谿縣人,字子常,號
in his early years and studied in the Soviet Union in 1926, where he was classmates 新衡,早年入讀上海大學。1926年赴蘇聯留學,與蔣
with Chiang Ching-kuo. Upon his return to China, he joined the Military Affairs 經國同窗。學成回國後於1932年加入國民政府軍事委
Commission of the National Government in 1932 and became one of Chiang Kai-shek’s 員會,後成為蔣介石貼身幕僚。抗戰爆發後,轉調香
personal staffs. At the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Wang was transferred 港,擔任軍統局香港區長,勝利後返回滬上,當選第
to Hong Kong and served as the head of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. 一屆立法委員,1949年再度赴港,後轉赴台灣。在台灣
Following victory, he returned to Shanghai and was elected as one of the first legislators. 擔任立法院外交委員會委員。後棄政從商,擔任亞洲
He moved back to Hong Kong in 1949 and later Taiwan, where he was a member of
the Legislative Yuan Diplomatic Committee. In time, Wang pursued careers in business, 水泥董事長、遠東紡織常務董事等職務。
including chairman of the Asia Cement Corporation and executive director of Far East 王氏在青年時期便喜好藝術,閒暇之餘更臨池染翰,
Textiles. 丹青自娛。其後以國民政府要員的身份,接觸到諸多
From a young age, Wang indulged in painting and writing calligraphy as his leisure 藝術名家,於是收藏日豐。渡台之後,台灣的藝術文
pursuits. As Wang became an important government official, he was introduced to many 化空前繁榮,交流也變得相對便利,王新衡得以認識
prominent artists, subsequently leading to his impressive collection. Coinciding with 更多畫家,尤以他與張大千的交情廣為人知。
Taiwan’s flourishing art scene in the mid-20th century, Wang’s relocation enabled him to
be acquainted with more artists, including Zhang Daqian. 1951年秋,張大千短暫旅台舉辦畫展,王新衡參觀後
Wang first met Zhang in the autumn of 1951 at the artist’s Taiwan exhibition. Full of 新衡屬猴,而張大千亦自稱“黑猿轉世”,兩人均愛
admiration for his talents, Wang acquired many works directly from the event. As Wang 好藝術,志趣相投可謂一見如故。在張大千旅居海外
was born in the year of the Monkey, their friendship grew warm quickly especially with 期間,王新衡不僅曾協助張大千辦展,亦對大千的病
Zhang’s love for gibbons and their passion in art. Following Zhang’s departure from
Taiwan, Wang continued to assist the artist in organizing art exhibitions and frequently 情極為關懷,時常去信問疾。七十年代末期開始,幾
penned letters asking after his well-being. From the late 70s, Wang and Zhang, along with 位投緣的老朋友:張群、張學良、王新衡與張大千,
influential figures Zhang Qun and Zhang Xueliang, established a monthly dining club 因為愛好藝術及美食,相約每月偕同夫人聚餐一次,
to celebrate the love of art and good food. The four friends took turns hosting meals and, 四人輪流作東,享用美食的同時,話舊天南地北、擺
in each other’s company, savoured, reminisced, and entertained. Formed by three Zhangs 擺龍門陣。這就是廣為藝壇傳頌的三張一王“轉轉
and one Wang, the ‘Roundabout Club’ remains a fond tale among art circles. 會”,為藝林一段佳話。