Page 88 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 88


                 SHI LU (1919-1982)                石魯     藏風冊     設色紙本     冊頁八開       5.   題識:風荷。石魯。
                 Flowers                                                                鈐印:石魯
                                                   1.   題識: 春己含還至,何故白月量。
                 Album of eight leaves, ink and colour on paper  石魯。                  6.   題識:嬌雪圖。石魯。
                 Each leaf measures 32.1 x 41.7 cm.       鈐印:石魯                         鈐印:石魯
                 (12 ¬ x 16 ¡ in.)                                                    7.   題識:山中花。石魯。
                 One leaf inscribed and signed, one leaf   2.   款識:石魯。                  鈐印:石魯
                 signed, six leaves entitled and signed by the   鈐印:石魯
                 artist, with a total of eight seals of the artist  3.   題識:晨風。石魯。    8.   題識:晨清旭色。石魯。
                 Titleslip entitled and signed by the artist,   鈐印:石魯                   鈐印:石魯
                 with one seal                                                        畫家自題簽條:藏風。石魯。
                                                   4.   題識:晨旭嬌似鮮。石魯。
                 HK$800,000-1,000,000                 鈐印:石魯                           鈐印:石魯

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