Page 89 - Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Paintings July 8th, 2020 Hong Kong
P. 89
LI KERAN (1907-1989) 李可染 夏山雨霽圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八六年作
Misty Summer Mountains
題識: 夏山雨霽圖。
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper 偶以潑墨作此圖,
89.5 x 52 cm. (35 º x 20 Ω in.) 雖水墨滋肆,但無狂態。一九八六年歲次,
Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist 丙寅(1986年)夏仲,
Dated summer, bingyin year (1986)
PROVENANCE: 鈐印:李、可染、寄情
The Low Gallery.
Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Modern Paintings, 25 November 來源: The Low Gallery;
2014, Lot 1636. 香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2014年11月25日,編號1636。
HK$3,000,000-5,000,000 US$390,000-650,000