Page 135 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 135

          AN INCISED LAVENDER-GLAZED ‘PEONY’ VASE             A related incised lavender-glazed vase and cover (38.7 cm.) from the
          17TH CENTURY                                        Collection of John and Julia Curtis sold at Christie’s New York, 16 March
          The vase is carved with a dense pattern of peony sprays with leafy foliage,   2015, lot 3721.  According to Sir Michael Butler, the lavender blue glaze was
          below a key-fret border to the shoulder and a band of further foral sprays, all   not used before the Shunzhi period, and was rare even at that time and into
          covered in a pale blue glaze. The base is left unglazed.  the early Kangxi period. (Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis and Stephen Little,
          11¡ in. (29 cm.) high                               Shunzhi Porcelain: Treasures from an Unknown Reign, 1644-1661, Alexandria,
          £8,000-12,000                          $11,000-16,000  VA, 2002, p. 156).  A smaller lavender glaze jar (18 cm high) in the Butler
                                                 €9,000-13,000  Family Collection is illustrated ibid., p. 157, no. 41.

          PROVENANCE                                          清十七世紀  天藍釉刻牧丹紋瓶
          Private European collection, acquired prior to 1990.
                                                              來源: 歐洲私人珍藏,1990年前購入

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