Page 214 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 214

          A CARVED THREE-COLOUR LACQUER ‘CHUN’ CIRCULAR BOX   These impressive and exquisite lacquer ‘chun’ boxes made during the
          AND COVER                                           Qianlong reign were inspired by those made for the Ming dynasty emperor
          QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
                                                              Jiajing (1522-1566), such as the one exhibited by the Hong Kong O.C.S. in
          The centre of the cover is fnely carved through the red, dark green and ochre   2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer, Art Gallery, Chinese University of Hong
          layers with a large chun (spring) character incorporating a roundel of Shoulao   Kong, 24 September - 21 November 1993, pp. 120-1, no. 61. The Jiajing
          and a deer fanked by two dragons emerging from clouds above multi-coloured
                                                              emperor was a devout Daoist, which gives rise to the imagery presented on
          rays radiating from a basket of auspicious symbols. The sides of the box and
                                                              these boxes - the bowl of precious objects, the roundel of Shoulao, the God
          cover are decorated with cartouches of scholars and attendants at various
                                                              of Longevity, and the large chun character. When pictured together this gives
          pursuits alternating with auspicious emblems reserved on a diaper ground, all
                                                              the rebus wanshou changchun, which may be translated as ‘ten thousand
          within decorative scrolling borders.
          11æ in. (29.8 cm.) diam.                            birthdays and endless spring’, which is a wish for longevity and continuous
          £80,000-100,000                      $110,000-130,000
                                                              These boxes were so admired by the Qianlong Emperor that he ordered
                                                              many versions during his reign. Given their auspicious nature, they were
                                                              used to hold food presented as a ceremonial gift at the lunar new year or for
                                                              Compare similar slightly larger boxes, including one illustrated in
                                                              Masterpieces of Chinese Carved Lacquer Ware in the National Palace
                                                              Museum, Taipei, 1971, pl. 25, and those sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28
                                                              November 2006, lot 1705 and Christie’s Paris, 21-22 December 2016, lot
                                                              清乾隆  剔彩春壽寶盒

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