Page 212 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 212
A PAIR OF GILT-LACQUERED ‘LOTUS’ TAZZAS Compare this to a similarly decorated lacquer stand with a more compressed
18TH CENTURY form, dated to the early Qing period, illustrated in The Collection of Stands in
The sides of each lacquered stand are decorated in gilt depicting lotus blooms the Palace Museum Part II, Beijing, 2016, no. 110. Also see a red lacquer tazza
and leafy foliage, with stylised foral roundels to the top. The stepped base has with a similar shape to the present lot, illustrated by Derek Cliford in Chinese
an elaborate shaped apron. Carved Lacquer, London, 1993, p. 134, in which the author suggests that the
15 in. (38 cm.) high shape possibly derives from European Christian chalices. Examples of black
lacquer furniture with gilt decoration are illustrated in Painted Furniture in the
Palace Museum Collection: Classics of the Forbidden City, Beijing, 2012, nos
£10,000-15,000 $14,000-20,000 53, 82 & 84.
清十八世紀 黑漆描金蓮紋器座一對
With Spink & Son Ltd., London.
來源: 倫敦古董商Spink & Son
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