Page 216 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 216

                                                                               AN ARCHAISTIC CHAMPLEVÉ ENAMEL
                                                                               VASE, GU
                                                                               QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
                                                                               The mid-section of the vase is decorated with a
                                                                               colourful archaistic taotie design, set between
                                                                               green blades with stylised patterns on the upper
                                                                               and lower sections of the vessel. There are
                                                                               protruding fanges running along the sides of the
                                                                               vase decorated with key-fret.
                                                                               11Ω in. (29.3 cm.) high
                                                                               £6,000-8,000          $7,900-10,000
                                                                               Sotheby’s London, 11 May 2016, lot 92.

                                                                               清乾隆  鏨胎琺瑯仿古饕餮紋觚式

                                                                               來源:  倫敦蘇富比2016年5月11日拍

                                                                               PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE EUROPEAN
                                          183                                  COLLECTION
                                                                               A PAIR OF CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL
                                                                               JIAQING PERIOD (1796-1820)
                                                                               The white elephants are modelled in mirror image,
                                                                               with gilt wires simulating wrinkled skin. Each
                                                                               elephant is caparisoned in a brightly patterned
                                                                               harness with a saddlecloth decorated with a bat
                                                                               and a musical stone, supporting a red twin-
                                                                               handled vase and cover decorated with lotus
                                                                               7¿ in. (18 cm.) long
                                                                               £6,000-8,000          $7,900-10,000
                                                                               The elephant is the embodiment of strength,
                                                                               wisdom and intelligence, and the vase represents
                                                                               eternal harmony. The combination of the two
                                                                               conveys the rebus taiping youxiang, ‘peaceful
                                                                               times’ or ‘when there is peace, there are signs’.

                                                                               清嘉慶  掐絲琺瑯太平有象一對
                                                                               來源: 歐洲私人珍藏

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