Page 58 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
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          A RARE PARCEL-GILT AND LACQUERED BRONZE FOUR-       Bronze vessels with Chenghua marks and of the period are exceptionally
          LEGGED CENSER                                       rare. In fact, Soame Jenyns himself acknowledges this point in Soame
          CHENGHUA SIX-CHARACTER CAST MARK AND PROBABLY OF THE   Jenyns and William Watson, Chinese Art. The Minor Arts, London, 1963, p.
          PERIOD (1465-1487)
                                                              137, where it is mentioned that it is unusual to fnd reign marks other than
          The censer is of square form, cast to each side with an animal mask, between   Xuande on Ming bronzes. With this in mind, it is interesting to see two such
          two bands of lotus lappets, all below a pair of ‘S’-shaped handles to the   examples of Ming bronze vessels without Xuande marks (the current lot with
          shoulder. The vessel is supported on four legs cast in the form of mythical   Chenghua mark and lot 21 with Zhengde mark) in Soame Jenyn’s personal
          beast heads.                                        collection. It is evident that the bronze pieces in this collection not only
          5Ω in. (14 cm.) wide
                                                              refect Jenyn’s taste but also his academic interests.
          £15,000-25,000                        $20,000-33,000
                                                 €17,000-28,000  A few other examples of bronze vessels with Chenghua marks are known, all
                                                              of which display the same characteristic ‘S’-form handles seen on the current
                                                              censer. See a censer which is almost identical to the current one sold at
          Collection of the late Soame Jenyns (1904-1976), then by descent within the
                                                              Sotheby’s New York, 21 March 2015, lot 743.
          明成化或更晚 局部鎏金銅獸首雙耳四足爐                                 An important gold and silver wire-inlaid censer attributed to the ‘Wan family’
                                                              and of Chenghua mark and period, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 4 April
           「大明成化年造」款                                          2012, lot 158.
          來源:  英國學者詹甯斯(1904-1976)舊藏, 家傳至今                     See also a Chenghua mark and period censer with very similar mythical
                                                              beast head-form feet, sold at Christie’s London, 6 November 2012, lot 169;
                                                              and another example also with comparable feet but of square ding-form, sold
                                                              at Christie’s London 14 May 2013, lot 167.


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