Page 125 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art February 2015 Knightsbridge
P. 125



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two white jAde cArvings                         A group of three jAde cArvings                three pAle green And russet jAde
19th/20th century                               Ming and Qing Dynasty                         cArvings of fruit
One modelled as a boy atop an elephant,         Comprising: a pale green jade carving of a    19th century
the pale stone with dark speckled inclusions,   recumbent bear, wood stand; a green and       Comprising a pale green jade carving of
wood stand; a reticulated pendant carved as     russet jade carving of a goose and lotus,     gourds, the russet and green inclusions
three entwined snakes, the semi-translucent     wood stand; and a black and chicken-bone      carved as the leaves; a reticulated green and
stone of a very even tone with cloudy           jade carving of a Mandarin duck, wood stand.  russet jade carving of a peach, surrounded
inclusions; together with a white jade carving  6.7cm (2 5/8in) long (6).                     by its tendrils, wood stand; and a mottled
of Shoulao holding a square bowl, his gnarled                                                 green jade carving of two peaches flanked by
staff with dragon head leaning against his      £1,500 - 2,000                                a smaller one, the stone with white, dark and
chest, wood stand.                              CNY14,000 - 19,000 HK$18,000 - 24,000         russet inclusions, wood stand.
The carving of Shoulao: 7.8cm (3in) high (5).                                                 The group of peaches: 11cm (4 3/8in) wide
£1,500 - 2,000
CNY14,000 - 19,000 HK$18,000 - 24,000                                                         £1,000 - 1,500
                                                                                              CNY9,500 - 14,000 HK$12,000 - 18,000

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