Page 50 - SOTHEBYS MARCH 18 AND 19 2025
P. 50
“The motivation to collect comes from a variety of sources 我們認為,收藏的樂趣是多方面的,其中的喜悅無法
all adding up to an undefinable pleasure. This pleasure is 一言概之。除了單純的視覺享受之外,在學習專業知
derived not only from the visual stimuli received but also 識的過程中,也同樣可以獲得極大的滿足感。與此
from the tangible knowledge gained, the quest to learn 同時,建立收藏同樣也是對藏家勤奮及耐心的一個
satisfied. The diligence and patience that is needed to build a
collection is always a challenge. 巨大挑戰。
We began our Chinese collecting adventure with mingqi,
grave goods, which were the easiest to understand. We then 容易入門。之後,我們開始轉向高古青銅器,尤其對
moved on to archaic bronzes, captured by the intricacies of 其精細的紋飾十分著迷。再後來我們也開始收藏書
their highly developed casting techniques. Paintings followed 畫,二十年過後,我們仍然為衆書畫家精湛的藝術造
but after twenty years we continued to be stymied by the 詣讚歎不已。在漫漫收藏路上不斷探索的過程中,我
subtleties of these wonderful artists. Finally, we discovered 們最終發現了銅鎏金佛像之美,並被其所蘊含的靈韻
Buddhist gilt-bronzes and were enchanted by their spiritual 及典雅所深深吸引。
quality, intimate scale and elegance.
收藏藝術品所附帶的益處良多,其中之一即 是通過
Collecting has many collateral benefits, not least of which is 收藏可以與領域內的藏家、策展人、學者、古董商及
interacting with other collectors, enjoying their community, 拍賣行專家等交流互動。他們學識廣博,睿智專業,
being exposed to highly qualified and intelligent professionals
whether curators, academics, dealers or auction house 且對藝術熱情橫溢,不吝賜教。能與各伯樂結識誠是
specialists. All of whom have an enthusiasm that is infectious 為一件樂事。
and are willing to share their knowledge. 哥倫比亞大學中國藝術史教授韓文彬鑒賞藝術品時,
Robert Harrist Jr. at Columbia University has a mantra 主要秉承「細觀精鑒」的主旨。這需要長時間對器物
‘articulate the obvious’ when looking at an object. This 的仔細觀察或臨摹描繪。只有這樣方可洞察器物的每
requires long and hard looking at the object, perhaps trying 個細節,從而全面感受其品質與魅力。正所謂觀察
to draw it; only then can one describe it in minute detail and 越精,所見越詳,所見越詳,所知越多,所知越多,
appreciate the quality of the object. It is a tautology – the 則觀察又越精,在如此循環的過程之中,眼光必可日
more you look, the more you see; the more you see, the more 臻成熟。正因為韓教授的傾囊相授,我們學到了許多
you learn; the more you learn the more you see – and the
search for the ‘next great one’ goes on. One’s eye continues 鑒賞之道。
to develop. Bob singularly taught us how to look at art. 自我們收藏初期開始,布魯克林博物館亞洲藝術榮譽
Amy Poster, Curator Emerita, Asian Art at the Brooklyn 退休策展人 Amy Poster 一直對我 們鼎力支持,並教
Museum, has been from early days a major motivator and 導我們研究必需謹慎且透徹,精益求精。
supporter of our collecting. More than anyone else she 視覺感官對於藝術品尤其重要,美學的內涵及高度,
taught us to conduct careful research and reach for the best.
Eye appeal is maximally important. There is a heightened 懂,典雅莊重。
aesthetic that exceeds outstanding craftsmanship. The
objects should be comprehensible, approachable, and 我們入藏每件藏品,均需考慮其狀況、來源、完整
uniformly elegant. 度、象徵及稀有程度,但最為重要 的是每件藏品均
Acquiring each piece required that we consider condition, 認真購藏喜愛 的藏品,作為其暫時的保管者,我們
provenance, completeness, iconography and rarity. Most 在學習研究的過程中獲得了巨大的享受,實可謂樂
of all each item had to have presence and had to ‘speak
to us’. There had to be a direct emotional appeal. We 趣無窮。
carefully bought what we loved and what we could afford
at the time. The process of learning about these incredible
objects as well as being their temporary caretakers has
given us immense pleasure.”