Page 51 - SOTHEBYS MARCH 18 AND 19 2025
P. 51

           AN ARCHAIC BRONZE ‘FIGURAL’ LAMP          東周 戰國 青銅立人燈座
           STATES PERIOD                             來源
           metal stand (2)                           藍理捷,紐約,2000年12月
           Height 3¼ in., 8.3 cm
           J.J. Lally & Co., New York, December 2000.
           The present figure depicts a standing warrior, his
           outstretched arms supporting a cylindrical socket designed
           to hold an oil lamp. Clad in intricately scaled armor and a
           belted tunic, the warrior’s stern countenance and furrowed
           brow convey an aura of vigilance, reflecting the valorized
           martial ethos of the period.
           The Warring States period was characterized by intense
           conflict among rival states, fostering advancements
           in military technology and the glorification of warrior
           culture. Bronze, traditionally associated with ritual and
           power, became increasingly utilized for both practical and
           decorative purposes, including lighting. This warrior lamp
           stand exemplifies this transition, merging the symbolic
           authority of bronze with the functional necessity of
           illumination. The emergence of true functional lighting
           apparatus during this era marked a significant technological
           and aesthetic advancement, driven by innovations in
           metallurgy and evolving cultural practices.
           The earliest textual evidence of ceremonial lighting culture
           in China is found in Chuci·Zhaoxun (Songs of Chu, late 3rd
           century BCE), which states: ‘Orchid-scented oils brighten the
           candles; ornate lamps glimmer inlaid with gold’ (蘭膏明燭,
           華鐙錯些). This lamp stand embodies such sophistication,
           transforming a utilitarian object into a vehicle of artistic
           Compare a closely related ‘warrior’ lamp, sold in our Hong
           Kong rooms, 18th October 2023, lot 547; see also a slightly
           larger lamp stand, previously in the collection of the late
           Sir Joseph Hotung, sold in the same rooms, 8th October
           2022, lot 15; an inlay-decorated standing figure wearing a
           headdress and a long robe, but of a more slender build, is in
           the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (accession no. 2003.140.3).
           $ 30,000-50,000

           98      SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11744                                                                           A COLLECTING JOURNEY: THE JANE AND LEOPOLD SWERGOLD COLLECTION  99
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