Page 54 - SOTHEBYS MARCH 18 AND 19 2025
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           A RARE AND IMPORTANT GOLD AND SILVER-     戰國晚期 / 西漢 銅錯金銀瑞獸紋環
           PERIOD / WESTERN HAN DYNASTY              來源
           Diameter 6⅝ in., 16.8 cm                  Robert Woods(1875-1962)及 Mildred Barnes (1879-
                                                     1969)Bliss 伉儷收藏
           PROVENANCE                                盧芹齋,紐約,1959年4月13日
           Collection of Robert Woods (1875-1962) and Mildred Barnes   史蒂芬•瓊肯三世(1978年逝)收藏
           (1879-1969) Bliss.                        紐約佳士得2000年9月21日,編號178
           C.T. Loo, New York, 13th April 1959.
           Collection of Stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978).  展覽
           Christie’s New York, 21st September 2000, lot 178.  《Chinesische Kunst》,普魯士藝術學院,柏林,1929
           EXHIBITED                                 《中國藝術國際展覽會》,英國皇家藝術學院,倫
           Chinesische Kunst [Chinese Art], Preussische Akademie de   敦,1935-36年,編號385
           Künste, Berlin, 1929, cat. no. 29.
           International Exhibition of Chinese Art, Royal Academy of   文獻
           Arts, London, 1935-36, cat. no. 385.      喜龍仁,《中國早期藝術史》,卷二,巴黎及布魯塞
           LITERATURE                                梅原末治,《日本蒐儲支那古銅精華》,卷四,大
           Osvald Sirén, Histoire des Arts Anciens de la Chine. Volume   阪,1933年,圖版56
           II: L’époque Han et les Six Dynasties [History of the Ancient   喜仁龍,《Kinas Konst under Tre Årtusenden》,斯德
           Art of China: Vol II: The Han Periods and the Six Dynasties],   哥爾摩,1943年,圖125
           Paris and Brussel, 1929, pl. 46A.
           Umehara Sueji, Shina Kodo Seika / Selected Relics of Ancient
           Chinese Bronzes from Collections in Europe and America, vol.
           I, Osaka, 1933, pl. 56.
           Osvald Sirén, Kinas Konst under tre Årtusenden [Chinese Art
           through Three Millennia], Stockholm, 1942, fig. 125.
           $ 50,000-70,000

           The present lot illustrated in Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Chinese Art,
           Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1935-36, cat. no. 385.

           104     SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11744                                                                           A COLLECTING JOURNEY: THE JANE AND LEOPOLD SWERGOLD COLLECTION  105
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