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Adorned with a swirling wave of dragons and wings and   the dating and purpose of this remarkable piece. While
                   clouds, the present disc is an exceptionally rare and   refusing to make any final judgment, opting instead for the
                   magnificent example of inlaid bronze from the height of   nebulous designation of ‘vessel rim’ or ‘fragment,’ each
                   its production. With careful consideration for depth and   scholar nonetheless agreed that this piece, glowing in a
                   texture, the ancient artisan has rendered the disc with   vibrant palate of patinated black, cuprite blue, gold and
                   extraordinary precision, selectively employing gold and   silver, was a masterpiece of its time– a rare and exceptional
                   silver inlay in bold fluid strokes across the surface of the   treasure. Most recently treasured by the renowned collector
                   piece, producing a dynamic design that seems to roll   Stephen Junkunc, III and, finally, in the care of Jane and
                   around the entire perimeter.              Leopold Swergold, this piece’s beauty and rarity is matched
                                                             only by its illustrious provenance.
                   As the kings of Zhou began to lose their grip on power
                   with advancements in agricultural and military technology   While the initial purpose of this disc is likely now lost
                   around the third century BCE, feudal states and their leaders   forever to the sands of time, its single-sided decoration,
                   began to grow ever wealthier and more powerful. Turning to   rough outer edge and grand geometric design all support
                   craftsmanship and artistic masterpieces as a manifestation   the theory that it once acted as a rim to an organic,
                   of this power, leaders of the Warring States (475-221 BCE)   probably lacquered, vessel that has long since degraded.
                   and ensuing Qin and Han (206 BCE-220 CE) dynasties   Compare a related gold-inlaid rim excavated in 1988
                   commissioned the production of increasingly intricate and   from the tomb of the King of Nanyue (r. 137-124 BCE) in
                   spellbinding bronze vessels for use in official rites and burial   modern day Guangzhou, illustrated in Xi Han Nanyue Wang
                   ceremonies. Sophisticated bronzes, delicately inlaid in gold   mu [Tomb of the Western Han King of Nanyue], vol. II,
                   and silver, have now been recovered from tombs in Jincun,   Beijing, 1991, pl. CXXVI; and two related gold-and-silver-
                   the site of the Eastern Capital at Luoyang, as well as from   inlaid vessel mounts formerly on loan to the Metropolitan
                   burial sites unrelated to the Zhou kings, including the tombs   Museum of Art, New York and now preserved in the Miho
                   of the ruling nobles of Wei in Huixian, Henan, the tombs of   Museum, Koka, in Collection of the Miho Museum: The
                   the Zhongshan kings at Pingcheng, Henan, and the tombs of   South Wing, Koka, 1997, pl. 99. These metal mounts appear
                   the Chu state in Hubei province. These vessels – the present   to have been purpose-made for accompanying lacquer
                   disc certainly included – possess a creative flair, opulent   vessels, decorated with identical motifs in black, red and
                   grandeur, and mastery of inlay arguably never surpassed in   gold. Compare a cylindrical lacquer vessel preserved with
                   the following millennia. Compare a stylistically related and   matching silver-inlaid fittings in the Asian Art Museum
                   similarly unique sword hilt from this lavish period, sold in   of San Francisco, illustrated in Hai-Wai Yi-Chen. Chinese
                   our Hong Kong rooms for well over five million Hong Kong   Art in Overseas Collections: Lacquerware, National Palace
                   dollars, 9th October 2022, lot 3612.      Museum, Taipei, 1987, pl. 8; and the almost perfectly
                                                             preserved lacquer wares excavated from the lavishly
                   The present disc has continued to captivate, puzzle and   decorated Han tombs at Mawangdui, Changsha, decorated
                   inspire scholars and collectors for over a century. Beginning   with very closely related motifs of swirling dragons and
                   their collecting journeys in Paris in 1912, Robert Woods Bliss   clouds – see Joanna Waley-Cohen, trans., ‘The Lacquers
                   and his wife Wildred Barnes Bliss soon became enamored   of the Mawangdui Tomb’, Oriental Ceramic Society
                   with Chinese art. Purchasing their home, Dumbarton Oaks,   Translations, no. 11, Hong Kong, 1984.
                   on the outskirts of Washington D.C., the couple continued to
                   expand their collection with pieces like the present, into one   While almost certainly not its initial purpose, the present
                   of the most extensive and celebrated of its kind. Loaning the   lot’s appearance as a grand and solitary disc brings with
                   present disc to both the exhibition of Chinesiche Kunst at the   it new-found associations, deep-rooted in the Chinese
                   Berlin Akademie der Künste in 1929 and the world-renowned   artistic tradition. Bringing to mind the jade bi discs of
                   International Exhibition of Chinese Art at the Royal Academy   antiquity, long treasured by neolithic shamans, Qing
                   of Arts, London in 1935-6, the Bliss family revealed this   emperors and contemporary collectors alike, the present
                   masterpiece to a global audience and before long, caught the   disc whispers of antiquity while its bright and vibrant
                   attention of the world’s leading sinologists. From Umehara   decoration still whirls with life.
                   Sueji (1893-1983) to Osvald Sirén (1879-1966), prominent
                   art historians across the world have illustrated and debated

           106     SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11744                                                                           A COLLECTING JOURNEY: THE JANE AND LEOPOLD SWERGOLD COLLECTION
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