Page 108 - Bonhams Scholars Art and Instruments Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 108

Albert Leung (b.1961), known as Lin Xi, is a prolific and award-
                                                             winning lyricist and writer based in Hong Kong. He has written over
                                                             3,500 song lyrics since the 1980s. With great admiration of music in
                                                             Chinese culture, Lin created these beautiful calligraphies exclusively for
                                                             Bonhams Elegant Gatherings: The Social Art of Chinese Scholars sale.

                                                             林夕,1961年生,本名梁偉文, 生於香港,著名詞人。1980年代中期以

           Preface by Lin Xi
           It is all because Wang Xizhi's ‘Preface to the Orchid Pavilion’ was so   The ancients liked to gift calligraphy to friends, and exchange letters in
           eye-catching that he captured the scenes of the elegant gathering   brush and ink, each of which has been handed down as a social testa-
           of literati at the time but forgot the game of ‘floating cups’: that is,   ment of extremely high artistry. However, the letter written to the feel-
           wherever the cup flows in the stream, the person nearest has to raise   ings, thoughts, and comprehensions of tens of thousands of people, is
           a toast and compose a line of poetry. Reciting poems and strumming   it not as the pop song goes, a ‘letter to the most familiar stranger’?
           the qin in social gatherings, did not begin in the Eastern Jin dynasty
           with ‘Preface to the Orchid Pavilion’. In my collection there is a Han   I included my own life experience in my lyrics, so that the meaning
           dynasty pottery incense burner with two figures playing the qin. This is   of the words would flow into the hearts and souls of the audience. If
           a connection with the ancients that transcends time and space. In the   this is the case, these little literati will have been engaged in a spiritual
           late Ming and early Qing period, so I have heard, Qian Qianyi held a lit-  friendship with the public that transcends distance.
           erary gathering for his courtesan Liu Rushi which was very impressive.
                                                             I idolise Su Shi as well as Tao Yuanming's 109 poems. Indeed, many of
           Nowadays, the popular music scene is the contemporary version of   my lyrics come from Su Shi and his writings, which are also a dialogue
           the ‘floating cups’ game, where the words of the song flow between   across time and space. If only Su Shi knew, he might laugh at me for
           people on social media platforms. There isn’t much difference between  calling him a friend.
           those literati and singers, who touch the hearts of people through
           communication and social interaction.

           都怪王羲之《蘭亭集序》太矚目,搶了當時文人雅聚的鏡頭,都忘了「流                  古人喜以書法贈友之餘,尺牘一筆一墨,流傳下來皆為藝術含量極高的
           觴曲水」這社交遊戲:水流到哪裡,誰就舉杯詠詩。以詩詞歌賦,彈琴交                  社交見證。然則一詞寫給千千萬萬人的所感所想所思所悟,能得其情
           友,非始於東晉《蘭亭集會》,我就收藏了一座鑄有二人撫琴對坐畫面的                  者,何嘗不是一封封「給最熟悉的陌生人的信」。
           是,如是我聞,錢謙益主辦的詩詞交流盛會,印象殊深。                         我把此生體悟留給了歌詞,聽眾讀者把詞意流進了內心,心靈把體悟實
           到如今,流行音樂平台正是當代版的流觴曲水,歌聲詞意流到哪裡,自                   越距離的神交。
           手之口,觸動有心人的交流。                                     我偶像蘇東坡和陶淵明詩一百零九首,而我歌詞不少養分來自蘇軾其

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