Page 110 - Bonhams Scholars Art and Instruments Hong Kong December 2, 2021
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           LINXI (B.1961)                    LINXI (B.1961)                   LINXI (B.1961)
           ‘CHIZI’ in running script         ‘XINGFU MOTIANLUN’ in running script   ‘RUOSHUI SANQIAN’ in running script
           Ink on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated   Ink on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated  Ink on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated
           2021, signed Lin Xi with two seals reading Lin   2021, signed Lin Xi with three seals reading   2021, signed Lin Xi with three seals reading Lin
           xi and Wuwai, framed and glazed.    Lin xi, Mingyue qianshen and wuwai, framed   xi, wuwai and Mingyue qianshen, framed and
           131.3cm (51 3/4in) x 29.8cm (11 3/4in)  and glazed.                glazed.
                                             67.3cm (26 1/2in) x 56.4cm (22 1/4in)  35.1cm (13 7/8in) x 97.7cm (38 1/2in)
           HKD8,000 - 10,000
           US$1,000 - 1,300                  HKD8,000 - 10,000                HKD8,000 - 10,000
                                             US$1,000 - 1,300                 US$1,000 - 1,300
           林夕 行書「赤子」水墨紙本 鏡框
                                             林夕 行書「幸福摩天輪」水墨紙本 鏡框              林夕 行書「弱水三千」水墨紙本 鏡框

          (歌詞不錄),葉德嫺唱,林夕詞。作於一九九              款識:                              款識:
           一年,書於二零二一年。                       幸福摩天輪,(歌詞不錄),林夕詞,陳奕迅唱。 三千春江水,暫住寂寞天空。逛夠了世界,撇進
                                             一九九九年作,二零二一年書。                   了春風。麥浚龍唱,林夕詞。作於二〇〇九年,
           鈴印:林夕、物外                                                           書於二〇二一年。
           The lyrics of “Chizi” was written based on                         鈴印:林夕、物外、明月前身
           the father-and-son relationship depicted in   “Happy Ferris Wheel” was written by Lin
           the 1990 Hong Kong movie Blue Lightning,   for Hong Kong pop singer Eason Chan in   “Ruoshui sanqian” (literally ‘Weak Water
           performed by the beloved Hong Kong singer   1999. On the earlier draft, he tried writing   Three Thousand’) is a song Lin wrote for
           Ms. Deanie Ip. The theme is to ‘Stay Gold’ and   the five words of the song name in circular   Hong Kong singer Juno Mak (b. 1984) in
           never forget why you started in the stream of   arrangement yet it did not work - you cannot   2009. In this calligraphy, Lin interprets the zen
           life events - the character chi was presented   force it, the same as the pursuit of happiness.   philosophy of water in having the character
           playfully with an improvised drop of ink parallels   Later the present work was done impromptu   ‘weak’ dominating the space and intriguingly,
           to our status as a child, then the character zi   with the right balance in composition, the   becoming the ‘strong’ component in the
           was deliberately elongated to illustrate the long   lyrics surrounding the name of the song like a   work. The strokes of the same character are
           road of life the child has to travel.   setting sun. Just like the pursuit of happiness,   composed by lines imitating water waves
                                             it is always set in motion like a turning Ferris   and ink droplets, creating beautiful imagery all
          《赤子》:                              wheel. What is the fun if the wheel has   together carrying the other three characters
           原為配合電影《藍色霹靂火》中一段父子情所              stopped?                         floating above. The name of the song comes
           寫,詞情當然如不止於親情,葉德嫻獨家嗓音                                               from the Buddhist saying “Weak water three
           一開腔,跟初生之犢情懷反差中更見赤子難               《幸福摩天輪》:                         thousand, I will only take one scoop”, Lin
           求。在遠遠近近、冷冷暖暖裡、情意隨城市高高                                              added his own understanding of the saying
           低低間,保存初心之路還長著,似「子」字一直                                              in the lyrics as “Three thousand spring rivers,
           延伸到淺灰色歌詞摘句盡頭,執筆時能不往下              非刻意求工可得,而該如現在所書,隨心一              living in the lonely sky just for a little while.
           歪掉就好。「赤」字兩旁幾點,「故意不刻意」地,                                            When it had wandered enough in the world, it
           讓吸飽墨汁後的筆鋒,自然如自由落體滴在紙              鉤往下探,「輪」字一豎一捺保住整體躍動中             will drop and be carried by the spring breeze.”
           出於設計本心。                                                           《弱水三千》:
                                             怎麼看,「幸福」本來就是在追追趕趕,高高低            人生座右銘之一:「上善若水」。身為老莊系創
                                             如摩天輪停滯,又有何樂趣可言。                  的電影電視劇主題曲,以致很多「含水量」的情

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