Page 22 - Bonhams Scholars Art and Instruments Hong Kong December 2, 2021
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A PALE CELADON JADE ‘MEASURING’ DOUBLE VASE, JIEJU A few examples of jade pieces designed to the same specifications
Qianlong as the present lot are preserved in the most prestigious museum
Carved with two rectangular hollow tubes, each of the wider sides collections, all dated to the Qianlong period. Compare with a very
carved in mirror image with an archaistic taotie mask above further similar example in the Palace Museum, Beijing, which is illustrated
archaistic scroll when the tubes are closed together, the narrower in the The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:
sides similarly carved with archaistic scrolls, each tube terminating in Jadeware, Shanghai, 2008, vol.III, pl.130; a second similar jade fitting
circular discs secured by a pin to a central fitting with a rectangular in the Tianjin Museum, which is illustrated by W.Y.Bai ed., Tianjin
opening through which the tubes could be locked to remain extended Museum, London, 2012, pl.43; and a spinach jade piece in the Victoria
in a single straight line, the stone of even pale green tone, stand. and Albert Museum, illustrated by M.Wilson, Chinese Jades, London,
9.6cm (3 3/4in) high. (2). 2004, no.104 and 106.
HKD80,000 - 120,000 See also a similar white jade fitting, Qianlong, which was sold at
US$10,000 - 15,000 Bonhams London, 15th May 2014, lot 182.
清乾隆 青白玉雕饕餮紋絜矩 青白玉質,二方桶相連,底部各有一軸鏈接底座,可合併展開九十度呈
A distinguished private Asian collection 此器形制特別,稱為絜矩,語出《大學》:「所謂平天下在治其國者:上老
來源: 也。」「絜」有約束之意,「矩」為規矩之意,旨在君子以絜矩提醒約束規
亞洲顯赫私人收藏 範自己的道德行為。此器名為後世理學家所附會,原本器型應取自漢
This archaistic ‘hinge fitting’ is called jieju in Chinese, a term from the 京,1749年,卷38,頁17。
Confucius classic Daxue (Great Learning) of the Liji (Book of Ritual),
which means a junzi or gentleman needs to behave himself within 北京故宮博物院藏一件青玉雙筒式絜矩,原定為花插,見《故宮博物院
the Confucian moral standards. The thought of associating archaistic 藏文物大系玉器》,上海,2008年,卷下,編號130。天津博物館藏一件清
objects with Confucian standards was emphasised by scholars during 乾隆鳳紋玉絜矩與本件極似,見《天津博物館藏玉》,天津,2012年,編
the Qianlong and Jiaqing period, after the fashion of reviving and 號177。另有英國維多利亞及阿伯特博物館藏一件清乾隆碧玉饕餮紋
researching antiquities which was directly led by Emperor Qianlong. 絜矩可資參考,見Mign Wilson著,《Chinese Jades》,倫敦,2004年,頁
The shape has ancient origins, and its ancient bronze prototype can be 10。邦瀚斯倫敦售出一件類似清乾隆白玉雕絜矩,2014年5月15日,拍
found in the 西清古鑑 Xiqing Gujian, or Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities, 品編號182 。
which was an illustrated catalogue of ancient bronzes in the Imperial
Collection, completed in 1751.