Page 28 - Bonhams Scholars Art and Instruments Hong Kong December 2, 2021
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This extremely rare dish is striking for its impressive large size and   盤折沿,內沿及盤心黃彩為地,內沿繪錢紋及花紋錦地,錦地上分別繪
           its use of unusual enamel colours. The thick, rich, and opaque egg-  琴、棋、書、畫、香、酒等器具,三面開光,內繪高士行吟圖,盤心繪高士乘
           yolk-yellow ground colour on the present dish was one of the newly   船渡河,兩岸山景有村莊、寺廟、茅亭及行人,外壁繪回紋錦地,其上四
           developed enamel colours during the late Kangxi period and is very   面扇形開光,開光內分別繪青綠山水及墨竹,開光之間繪四面石榴形黃
           different from the earlier Kangxi yellow which was paler, transparent,   地開光,內繪花草湖石,圈足內收,底施透明釉。此盤以黃為地,明黃耀
           and more lemon-toned. In addition to the distinctive yellow ground, the  眼,山水青綠層次分明,皴法高妙如在紙上,行人動物動靜描繪生動。
           brightly toned purple and green enamels, together with the opaque
           black enamels which were used to decorate as the ruyi borders on   此黃地五彩大盤尺寸碩大,在瓷胎上先施一層薄釉,再以油性顏料在胎
           the rim, present a very similar quality to the enamel colours imported   釉上施彩,其黃地釉彩濃稠不透明,紫色及綠色釉彩亦濃烈鮮艷,特別
           from the port of Guangzhou during the 18th century known as   是折沿邊如意形開光所使用的不透明油性黑彩,均與康熙早期的素三
           “Canton Enamels”, suggesting a close dialogue between the “foreign   彩瓷以及釉上彩瓷形成鮮明對比,反而與十八世紀從廣東引進的琺瑯
           colours” and the production of porcelain at Jingdezhen. For a detailed   彩在質地和發色各方面都有相似之處,映射廣琺瑯對廣彩瓷以及景德
           discussion on the origin of “Canton Enamel” and its influence on the   鎮製瓷的重大影響。有關廣彩起源以及廣琺瑯對景德鎮製瓷影響的深
           porcelain production at Jingdezhen, see an essay by Guo Xuelei,   入討論,見郭學雷, 〈廣彩起源及其早期面貌〉,著錄於《東方收藏》,
           ‘guangcai qiyuan ji qi zaoqi mianmao’(The Origin of Canton Enamel   2018年第12期,福建,頁5-22 。
           and its early Appearance)’, in Oriental Collection, December issue,
           Fujian, 2018, pp.5-22.                            古人遠行赴約實非易事,跋山涉水,穿山越嶺乃是常態。此盤所繪完整
           This impressive dish presents a typical theme of scholars visiting
           friends or their journey to a gathering. Making a long-distance trip was   此盤體量巨大,黃地五彩在康雍兩朝皆十分少見,可比較英國G.R.
           not easy in pre-modern China. A scholar to join a friend’s invitation   Davis收藏一件黃地五彩錦雞牡丹紋大盤,風格當屬一路,見E.Gorer及
           had to cross mountains and rivers, thus on art works of such theme, it   J.F. Blacker著,《Chinese Porcelain and Hard Stones》,倫敦,1911年,圖
           usually depicted in a mountainous landscape a sage and an attendant   版61。另可比較兩件黃地五彩山水人物碟,2013年9月20日售於佳士得
           moving on foot, by boat, by horse or by sedan chair.    紐約,拍品編號1358。

           Compare with a related large yellow-ground famille verte-rose ‘peonies
           and pheasants’ dish, Kangxi, in the G.R. Davis collection, which is
           illustrated by E.Gorer and J.F. Blacker in Chinese Porcelain and Hard
           Stones, London, 1911, pl.61. Compare also with two related yellow-
           ground famille verte lobed dishes, Kangxi, which were sold at Christie’s
           New York on 20th September 2013, lot 1358.

           The G.R. Davis Collection
           英國G.R. Davis藏

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