Page 46 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 46
香港佳士得拍賣行將於 2018 年春季拍賣一件定窯黑釉金彩 A RARE BLACK DING
或曰膽形垂腹,圈足稍高,挖足異常規整,略外撇。白胎微 FLOWER VASE
泛灰黃,細而堅致。黑釉烏黑光亮,釉層稍厚,施釉至足根 (Abstract translation from the Chinese eassy by Qin Dashu)
鮮豔,略有脫落;口部亦有金彩條帶紋。牛津公司所做的熱 In 2009, a comprehensive excavation took place at the
釋光測試證明此器的時代是距今 600-1000 年。為北宋末到 Ding kilns in Quyang, Hebei province, carried out by the
元代。 1 Hebei Cultural Relics Institute and School of Archaeology
and Museology at Beijing University. Archaeologists
2009 年,河北省文物研究所與北京大學考古文博學院聯合組 concluded that the production of Ding wares can be
隊,對河北省曲陽縣定窯遺址進行了考古發掘 。通過對發 divided into six phases, the earliest dating back to mid-
掘資料的整理研究,將定窯的發展歷史分為了六期五段,證 Tang period, with production centred around the
明定窯澗磁嶺窯區的瓷器生產始於中唐時期,而在燕川區終 Jianciling kilns; the last phase during the Yuan dynasty,
around the Yancun area.
至欽宗靖康二年(1086-1127 年)。在發掘的澗磁嶺 C 區第 Sherds of a black-glazed vase of very similar form to the
四期的地層中出土的 A 型細黑釉瓶(圖一)就與這件器物的 present lot were excavated from Section C of the Jianciling
造型相同,儘管我們發掘出土的標本並不完整,但可見口、 area, dating to the fourth phase, around the late Northern
頸、腹部的特徵這都與此器相同,證明這件器物的時代為北 Song dynasty (fig. 1). While the excavated vase is not
complete, it is evident that its mouth, neck and body bear
resemblances to the present lot, permitting us to date the
定窯是宋元時期著名的窯場,由於定窯所在的區域具備了優 latter to the late Northern Song dynasty.
Brown and black-glazed Ding wares were made as early as
the mid-Tang period, but they often lack fineness, and have
挺拔脫俗的特徵,使之成為宋代士大夫階層開創並追逐的 coarse and thick bodies. Towards the mid-Northern Song
清雅藝術的典型代表。然而,定窯的產品並不是單一,除了 dynasty, we see a remarkable improvement in the quality of
生產精細白瓷以外,在不同的時期還生產數量不等的化妝 Ding wares in general. Notably the period had witnessed an