Page 47 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 47

fig. 1  Fragments of a black-glazed Ding vase excavated at Jianciling Area C, dating to late Northern Song period
                                               圖一  澗磁嶺 C 區第四期北宋後期地層中出土的細黑釉瓶

               白瓷,即其產品是面向不同階層的,構成了作為一個商品生                        increase in the number of very fine brown and black-glazed
               產的窯場的特徵。同時,在定窯的各個時期,都還生產黑                         wares, as well as a greater variety of forms such as bowls,
               釉、醬釉等鐵呈色的器物,常被人們稱為黑定和紫定器物。                        cups, cup stands, truncated meiping, covers and alms bowls
               但各個不同時期特徵不同。在中晚唐到五代的階段,主要                         (fig. 2). These wares are characterised by a very fine, white
               生產粗黑釉瓷器,特點是胎體厚重,製作粗劣,缺少美感。                        and thin body, as well as an iridescent, lustrous and fluid
                                                                 glaze. These fine brown and black-glazed wares constituted
                                                                 approximately 0.1-0.2% of all the findings in the excavated
                                                                 areas at the Ding kilns, suggesting that they were intended
                                                                 to be high-end products made in limited quantities. The
                                                                 extent of their production was also relatively small, and
               器為主要特色的階段,這個時期,定窯開始生產精細的黑                         situated around the Jianciling kiln area.
               盞、盞托、矮梅瓶、器蓋、斂口缽等。胎色很白,胎質精細,                       During  the  late  Northern  Song  dynasty,  the  production
                                                                 of brown-glazed Ding wares had gradually come to
                                                                 cessation,  while  that  of  black-glazed  wares  had  increased
                                                                 considerably, but were of diminished quality. The clay
                                                                 body is noticeably heavier, while the glaze is thicker and
                                                                 not  as  lustrous  as  before,  often  barely  touching  the  foot
                                                                 (fig. 3). The proportion of black wares found among
               中所佔的比例為 0.1%-1.2%。這類產品生產的範圍也較小,                   contemporaneous Ding wares had climbed up slightly to
               主要集中在澗磁嶺窯區。                                       2-3%, reflecting black wares had gained popularity during
                                                                 the late Northern Song period, but were still much rarer
                                                                 than other Ding types. Towards the Jin dynasty, the
               北宋中期略微降低,細醬釉產品迅速減少並基本消失,細                         production of monochrome brown and black Ding wares
               黑釉瓷器仍然生產,但胎體不如第二期那樣薄,釉色也不                         had been halted, replaced by a large number of wares with
               再如前期呈現金屬光澤,釉層往往較厚,且多施釉不到底                         roughly mixed brown and black glazes, very light bodies
               (圖三)。器類仍以碗、盤、瓶類為大宗。細黑釉器物的數                        and  often  with  moulded  decorations.  During  the  Yuan
               量有所增加,統計可知,其在器物群中所佔比例在 2-3%。                      dynasty,  the  making  of  fine Ding  wares  came  to  an  end

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