Page 44 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 44

         A VERY RARE LONGQUAN GUAN-TYPE LOBED              南宋   龍泉仿官窯瓜棱花口瓶
         SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)                 此瓶造型優雅規整,通體起十棱,口及足呈外撇花瓣式,是仿照同期
         The vase of flattened form is finely potted with lobed sides,   郊壇下遺址,著錄於1977年東京出版《世界陶磁全集–12–宋》,頁
         between a floral-lobed mouth and foot of conforming form,   225,圖79號。另見一件略小的郊壇下瓜棱瓶,著錄於史彬士(編纂),
         covered overall with a soft, bluish-green glaze with broad, pale   《中國歷代陶瓷選集》,鴻禧美術館,台北,1990年,編號43。
         russet crackles. The unglazed foot is applied with a pale brown
         dressing                                          四川省遂寧市金魚村窖藏曾出土一件形制相同的龍泉瓜棱瓶,窖藏定年
         7 ¿ in. (18.2 cm.) high, box                      1236年,見《封印された南宋陶磁展》,小田急美術館,東京,1998
         HK$1,500,000-3,000,000        US$200,000-380,000  藏,2001年10月15日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品477號。
         This charming vase, with its distinct lobed shape and elegant
         profile, is modelled closely after its guan ware prototypes, made
         contemporaneously at the Jiaotanxia kilns in Zhejiang area. One such
         prototype is a guan vase of identical form and similar size, unearthed at
         the Jiaotanxia kilns, illustrated in Sekai Toji Zenshu-Song, vol. 12, Tokyo,
         1977, p. 225, fig. 79. Another smaller Jiaotanxia vase of the same form
         is illustrated by James Spencer, Selected Chinese Ceramics from Han to
         Qing Dynasties, Chang Foundation, Taipei, 1990, cat. no. 43.
         A Longquan vase of the same type was excavated in 1991 from a
         Southern Song hoard dated 1236 at Jinyucun in Sichuan province. See
         Newly Discovered Southern Song Ceramics - A Thirteenth-Century “Time
         Capsule”, Tokyo, 1998, p. 27, no. 17. Compare also to a Longquan wall
         vase of identical form but with a flat back, from the Falk Collection and
         sold at Christie’s New York, 15 October 2001, lot 477.


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