Page 48 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 48
由此可見,細黑釉瓷器出現與北宋中期,在北宋晚期比較流 all together, with only coarse black wares remaining in
行,但仍然屬於非常稀少的珍貴品種。進入金代,單純的黑 production. Through studying the characteristics of black
釉、醬釉瓷器都均停燒,而大量出現一些釉色黑醬駁雜,胎 Ding wares during the various stages of production, we can
體十分薄俏,常常帶有印花裝飾的黑醬色瓷器。元代定窯停 determine the present lot is typical of those made during
the late Northern Song period, which were exclusively
made in restricted quantities.
壺春瓶具有典型的北宋後期細黑釉產品(黑定)的特徵。總 Another important point to note is that during the
體說來,細黑釉和細醬釉瓷器都在定窯的歷史中短暫的生產 Northern Song period, a very small number of wares were
過,且數量很少,因此不論是黑定還是紫定,都是當時非常 applied with gilt decorations. This decorative scheme
稀少的高端產品。 rarely appears on northern wares, and is almost exclusive
to Ding wares. Among extant pieces, there are relatively
定窯以刻、劃、印花為其最主要的裝飾,特點是沒有突破單 more brown-glazed Ding wares decorated with gilt motifs,
色的效果,成就了定窯淡雅纖麗的風格。在北宋時期唯一不 but very few black Ding pieces. A few examples include a
同的是,有極少量的瓷器裝飾了金彩。南宋周密在其所著的 black Ding bowl with gilt lotus decorations, in the MOA
《癸辛雜識》中記「金花定碗用大蒜汁調金描畫,然後再入 Museum of Art, Japan, illustrated in Sō ji [Song ceramics],
窯燒之,永不復脫。」 表明加金彩裝飾的器物在宋代是十 Tobu Museum of Art, Tokyo; The Museum of Oriental
Ceramics, Osaka; Hagi Uragami Museum, Hagi, 1999,
catalogue no. 37; another black Ding bowl with gilt peony
motifs, in The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, ibid.,
no. 38, both designated as ‘Important Cultural Property’
in Japan. A black Ding bowl with gilt decoration was
國立博物館收藏有金彩蝴蝶牡丹紋、牡丹紋兩件紫定金彩碗 excavated from the site of the Goryeo imperial palace,
和一件雲鶴紋白釉金彩碗 ;日本 MOA 美術館收藏一件金 currently in the National Museum of Korea, illustrated
彩束蓮紋黑定碗,大阪市立東洋陶瓷美術館收藏一件金彩 in Chinese Ceramics at the National Museum of Korea,
牡丹紋黑定碗 。這五件金彩碗均被列為日本的「重要文化 Seoul, 2007, p. 448. Hence one can conclude that Ding
財」。韓國國立中央博物館則收藏有三件傳出土於開城高麗 wares with gilt motifs are extremely rare, and black Ding
王宮遺址的金彩碗,計紫定兩件,黑定一件 。唯一的一件 examples are even more so.