Page 98 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 98

fig.1  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
                                                  圖一  國立故宮博物院藏品

         2942 Continued

         The simple and elegant shape of this washer provides an excellent   此件龍泉青釉洗簡潔的器形為詮釋青釉的色彩和質感提供了絕佳載體。
         canvas for the even, thick, bluish-green glaze, which was achieved by   憑藉多次施釉的特殊工藝和先進龍窯所營造的還原燒造氣氛,龍泉青釉
         applying the glaze in several layers. Longquan celadon washers of this
         form and exceptionally large size are very rare. However, washers with   得以創造出層次豐富,厚如堆脂效果。此式平底大洗在龍泉青瓷中頗為
         flat base and subtly rounded sides appear to be one of standard forms   罕見,然而在南宋官窯中卻不難覓得同類器物。國立故宮博物院藏有一
         in the Southern Song guan wares. A large guan washer of comparable   件與本洗尺寸相當的官窯大洗,載於國立故宮博物院編1987年出版《宋
         size (26.4 cm. diam.) in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, is   官窯特展》,編號83(口徑26.4公分)(圖一)。國立故宮博物院另藏
         included in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Sung Dynasty Kuan
         Ware, Taipei, 1989, no. 83. (fig. 1). Smaller guan washers of this form   有三件較小的同類官窯洗,其中兩件光素無紋,載於同上,編號80(口
         include three more examples from the National Palace Museum: two   徑15.5公分)及81(口徑12.4公分),另一件器內模印龍紋,載於同上
         undecorated examples, illustrated in ibid, nos. 80 (15.5 cm. diam.) and   編號82(口徑18.4公分)。
         81 (12.4 cm. diam.) and another one with moulded dragon decoration,
         illustrated in ibid, no. 82 (18.4 cm. diam.).

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