Page 10 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 10

fig. 1 Dr. Yang Chün-hsiung (first right) and Ms. Teng Shup’ing (first left), in the centre is the former director
                                             of National Palace Museum, Ms. Chou Kung-hsin

                        圖一 楊俊雄醫師(右一)與鄧淑蘋女士(左一),中為前故宮博物院院長周功鑫女士

   明探源工程」積極推展,對新石器時代至歷史早期文明進程,                                                         Dr. Yang’s collection is mainly focused on archaic jades made
   建構出更合理的框架。在這樣強大的學術動力下,中國古玉                                                          between the Neolithic and the Han periods, spanning almost
   研究勢必也有嶄新的面貌。筆者擬以養德堂藏玉為例,分三                                                          6000 years from the late Xinglongwa Culture to the Eastern Han
   個小節簡要概述之。1                                                                          Dynasty (circa 5500 B.C. to A.D. 220). This is the classical period
                                                                                       in the history of Chinese jades, and each piece is imbued with a
   美玉初具「瑞器」意義                                                                          deep cultural significance.
   (約公元前 6200-3500 年)
                                                                                       While editing 1999 Collector’s Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades, Dr.
   在東亞這片日後發展成中國核心地區的華夏大地上,自東北                                                          Yang expressed his wish for me to write a dedicated catalogue for
   向西南綿延著一道山脈鏈:大興安嶺、太行山、巫山、雪峰山。                                                        his collection. I declined at the time due to an overflow of official
   山脈鏈以西多山嶺與高原,形成乾旱的華西地區;山脈鏈以                                                          engagements, but promised that I would consider when I retire.
   東多平原與丘陵,毗鄰大洋而形成低濕的華東地區。生態差                                                          Regrettably, Dr.Yang passed away before I retired.This essay on the
   異導致人文景觀有別。自遠古起華夏大地上的玉器文化就發                                                          select pieces in his collection is my dedication and respect to the
   展出東、西不同的風格。                                                                         memory of an old friend.

   史前先民在打擊琢磨石器的經驗中認識質地堅硬、強韌、耐                                                          Eighteen years have passed since the exhibition and publication
   久,且琢磨後會發出美麗色澤的特殊礦物,也就是今日大家                                                          of 1999 Collector’s Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades. In this time,
   熟知的「玉」。最初用以製作裝飾品和工具,可能初具象徵                                                          archaeology in China has advanced in leaps and bounds, and many
   擁有者身份的意義,應尚未發展出溝通人神的功能。                                                             important relics were unearthed. The earnest push to identify
                                                                                       ‘the Origins of Chinese Civilization’ meant a more plausible
   或由於華西地區地質條件較不利於發現玉料等因素,目前資                                                          framework was established for the development between the
   料顯示,華東先民較早發展玉器工藝。約在公元前 6000 年前                                                      Neolithic period to early historical cultures. With such strong
   後,他們開始用閃玉(nephrite)製作裝飾品及簡單的斧錛類。                                                    academic impetus, there is understandably much progress in the
                                                                                       research of Chinese archaic jades. By using the examples in the
                                                                                       Yangdetang Collection, I aim to illustrate this in three short
                                                                                       chapters. 1

   1 在本文中所引用彩圖均屬養德堂收藏,所引用線繪圖則系考古出土品或博物                                                 JADE TAKES ON AN EMBLEMATIC ROLE
   館藏品。                                                                                (CIRCA 6200-3500 B.C.)
   1 The colour plates used in the current essay are all examples from the Yangdetang
   Collection.The line drawings are either of excavated objects or examples in museum  On the land mass across East Asia that would eventually become
   collections.                                                                        China proper lies a mountain range that stretches along the

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