Page 11 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 11

fig. 2 First exhibition of the Yangdetang Collection in the Chang Foundation
                       圖二 養德堂藏玉第一次展出於台北鴻禧美術館

Lot 2701                         North-East and South-West axis: Greater Khingan Mountains
拍品 2701                          (Daxing’anling),Taihang Mountains,Wu Mountains and Xuefeng
                                 Mountains. To the West of this range are mountains or high
                                 plateaux, constituting the dry Huaxi (China’s Western region) area.
                                 To the East, it is mostly plains and low hills bordering on the sea,
                                 forming the low and humid Huadong (China’s Eastern region)
                                 area. The differences in biogeography resulted in varied cultural
                                 landscapes. From very early on, the Chinese jade culture developed
                                 different styles in the East and West.

如分佈於今日遼寧、內蒙交界一帶的興隆洼文化,出土甚多       From making and polishing stone tools, the prehistorical people
耳飾玦、匕形飾;分佈於黑龍江及其支流烏蘇里江一帶的新       discovered a special mineral that was hard, strong and durable, and
開流文化,出土甚多小環、小璧。                  gave a beautiful luster when polished – what we now call ‘jade’. It
                                 was first used for ornaments and tools. It was probably a symbol
直到公元前 5000 年前後,華西地區才出現玉器。分佈於黃河   of special status for the owner, but not yet a conduit between man
上中游的仰韶文化早期遺址,如:陝西漢中的龍崗寺、甘肅       and spirit.
也見簡單的玉墜飾。無論在華東或華西,玉器常出於比較大       Probably for geological reasons, it was difficult to extract jade
的墓穴中,墓內可能也有較豐富的其它隨葬品;由此可知,       in Western China area. Records show that the Eastern Chinese
公元前五、六千年社會已開始分化,屬稀有資源的美玉多為       people were the first to develop jade workmanship. Around 6000
統治階層壟斷,此時的玉器已是象徵所有者身份的「瑞器」。      B.C., they started using nephrite to make ornaments and simple
                                 tools like axes and adzes. The Xinglongwa Culture at the border
養德堂藏有一對耳飾玦(拍品 2701)。由於它略帶方圓形的    of Liaoning and Inner Mongolia, for example, yielded many
敦厚造型,較相似於內蒙古赤峰白音長汗出土的耳飾玦,而在      circular ear-ornaments and knife-shaped ornaments.The Xinkailiu
日本桑野及西伯利亞 Yakut 遺址也出有這種方圓形耳飾玦,故  Culture located around the Amur River (Heilong Jiang) and its
可暫定它屬興隆洼文化晚期至紅山文化早期(約公元前 5500-   tributary the Ussuri River (Usulijiang), yielded many small jade
4000 年)的遺物。                      huan and bi discs.

                                 Not until around 5000 B.C. did jade start to appear in the Western
                                 China area. The Yangshao Culture sites located around the upper
                                 to middle course of the Yellow River, such as the Longgangsi site
                                 in Hanzhong, Shaanxi and the Dadiwan site in Qin’an, Gansu,

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