Page 16 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 16

Lot 2702  Lot 2703                                                                     Lot 2705
    拍品 2702   拍品 2703                                                                      拍品 2705

    由此可知,華西的史前先民觀察一年四季中,與一天晨昏裡                                                             jades in the Yangdetang Collection carved with ‘Eastern-China-
    宇宙的變幻,再體察生命的榮枯、物質的久暫後,發展出特                                                             style tooth marks’.
    中孔的圓形、方形玉器,用作祭祀的禮器。且常將之成組掩                                                             To summarize, after 3500 B.C., the worship of ‘animal spirits’ was
    埋於祭祀坑。目前已知有一坑掩埋達四璧、四琮的例子,見                                                             widespread in the Eastern China area, and shamans enjoyed an
    於甘肅靜寧地區。                                                                               exulted status. Most examples from archeological excavations are
                                                                                           jade carvings of ‘spiritual animals’ found in high-ranking tombs.
    紀時,也可能以不接壤的上層交流網方式傳播至長江下游,                                                             By comparing the geographical locations and thematic similarities
    刺激良渚文化在晚期時,摒棄過去流行的胚胎式神靈動物的                                                             of excavated jades, Mr. Li Xinwei proposed the idea of an ‘elite
    裝飾母題,而將原本戴於巫師手腕,器壁微弧的方鐲,發展                                                             communication network’ – the possibility of exchange of religious
    成高長多節、剖面方正的高琮。地圖上明顯看到黃河上中游                                                             and cosmological ideas between the ruling classes of areas not
    璧琮文化與長江下游璧琮文化的遙相呼應。                                                                    adjacent to each other.The map here clearly illustrates that, the Liao
                                                                                           River area in Dongbei (Northeast) and the Chao Lake - Lake Tai
    養德堂藏有多件紅山文化玉器,玉蠶蛹(拍品 2702)、玉龍(拍                                                        areas around the lower course of the Yangzi River share similar jade
    品 2703)描述昆蟲類、爬蟲類的始生狀態;動物面紋玉杖頂(拍                                                        carvings of embryonic animals, animal masks and humanoid figures.
    品 2705)、帶齒動物面紋玉飾(拍品 2704)則清楚地琢有動
    物面紋;寫實玉鳥(拍品 2708)以及琢有抽象鳥紋的權杖(拍                                                         However, a completely different system of ritual jades developed
    品 2706),都與遠古時期盛行華東「玄鳥信仰」有關。                                                            in the Western China area. In the tombs of mid-to-late Yangshao
                                                                                           Culture in Xipo of Lingbao, Henan, both sexes were in possession
    養德堂也收藏了良渚文化的玉璧、玉琮(拍品 2709,2710,                                                        of jade yue adzes, which were placed with the curved blades
    2712),後者器表雕琢了動物面紋。養德堂所藏齊家文化的                                                           facing towards the head of the tomb occupants. The practice
    璧 與 琮( 拍 品 2713,2714), 端 莊 典 雅; 三 璜 聯 璧( 拍 品                                           which allows both sexes to possess jade weapons, and of placing
    2711)的三個單片幾乎等大,筆者曾撰文說明,齊家文化是                                                           or holding the weapons with their blades upwards, is the Western
    多璜聯璧的萌芽區,此一造型主要以玉片之間縫隙構成如陽                                                             Chinese tradition of using jades as emblems.
    遺址出土三璜聯璧的情況可知,它用作祭祀神明的禮器,而                                                             More significantly, the Miaodigou Culture of Yangguanzhai in
    非裝飾品。3 齊家文化晚期強勢地向東發展,勢力直達今日山                                                           Gaoling, Shaanxi (circa 3500 B.C.) yielded a well-polished stone
    西地區,清涼寺、陶寺等地出土的多璜聯璧,常是將大小不                                                             bi disc, and two fragments from square tube-shaped objects,
    一、玉質不同的散片鬥接後當作腕飾。                                                                      each with a very slight collar around the hole (fig. 06, 07).2
                                                                                           This tangible representation of the ‘circular vs. square’ tradition
    3 鄧淑蘋,〈觀天思地、崇日拜月-齊家文化玉石器的神秘性〉,《故宮文物                                                    continued to develop around the upper to middle course of the
    月刊》總號 409 期,2017 年 4 月。                                                                Yellow River, and, with future archeological excavations, we can
    3 Teng Shup’ing,‘Observing the Heaven and Perceiving the Earth,Worshipping the Sun     hopefully piece together a more complete reconstruction of the
    and Adoring the Moon: the mysterious nature of jades from the Qijia Culture’, The Na-  development process of bi and cong around this area in the third
    tional Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art no. 409:April 2017.                        millennia B.C.. By 2300 B.C., the ritual practice of combining
                                                                                           bi and cong had already been developed, and can be seen in the
                                                                                           excavations of early Qijia Culture tombs (fig. 08, 09).

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