Page 20 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 20

Lot 2717
                                                                                                  拍品 2717

    Lot 2723                      Fig. 10 lot 2717 The decoration carved on the yue-axe
    拍品 2723
              This line drawing was based on the micro photograph taken by the author in 1995.
                                         插圖 10 編號拍品 2717 玉鉞兩面器表刻劃的紋飾
                                       1995 年時,筆者拍攝顯微照,再經美編處理的圖像

    教授的研究認為光素柄形器,是從後石家河文化玉神祖像抽                                                                    The Erlitou Culture, probably of the Xia Dynasty, yielded jades of
    長簡化而成。河南安陽後崗出土六件朱書祖先名號的柄形器                                                                    both the Western Chinese style, such as large knives, yazhang and
    (插圖 11, 12, 13),更證明此說正確。插圖 13 為其中二件,                                                          ge blades; and the Eastern Chinese style, with its unique forms and
    朱書「祖庚」「祖甲」。到了西周又發展出新款柄形器,器                                                                    symbolisms, such as the ‘handle-shaped object’ evolved from the
    表加雕鳳鳥立於「龍人」紋上,器緣增飾了「華東式扉牙」,                                                                   deity-ancestor figures of Post-Shijiahe Culture, as well as weapons
    以凸顯其通神功能(插圖 14)。                                                                              like qi blade and knives that are decorated with ‘Eastern China-
                                                                                                  style tooth marks’ around the edges.

    養德堂藏有三件柄形器,只有拍品 2743 者保持原貌,另二件                                                                When the Shang Clan of Eastern China toppled the Xia Dynasty,
    均被剖切。拍品 2748 光素柄形器,特別窄長的比例相似於山                                                                the yazhang blade and long knife disappeared from Central China,
    東濟陽劉台子西周墓出土器;但它被削尖了下端,剖為二片                                                                    and the ‘handle-shaped object’ which symbolized deity-ancestor
    再加鑽圓孔,林巳奈夫教授當年觀察實物後認為改作符節器。                                                                   became the predominant ritual object in the Shang and Western
    拍品 2744 雕有精美鳳紋的柄形器被剖切為二件「梯形玉牌」,                                                               Zhou Dynasties. Professor Minao Hayashi’s research shows that
    邊緣加刻成排隧孔以穿繫瑪瑙珠管等,用作掛飾於婦女頭側                                                                    the undecorated ‘handle-shaped object’ evolved from elongated
    至肩側的新式玉佩,學者研究認為此一新款玉佩可能從北方                                                                    deity-ancestor figures (figs. 11, 12, 13).The sixteen ‘handle-shaped
    草原傳入。4                                                                                        objects’ inscribed in cinnabar with names of ancestors, excavated
                                                                                                  in Hougang of Anyang, Henan, further corroborates this theory.
    由於西周晚末期社會動盪,禮制發生巨變,柄形器和「華東                                                                    Fig. 14 illustrates two of them, inscribed in cinnabar with the
    式扉牙」所代表的源自新石器時代古老神祖信仰漸被淡忘,                                                                    names ‘Grandfather Geng’ and ‘Grandfather Jia’. In the Western
    具通神功能的柄形器被剖切改製即是明證。                                                                           Zhou period, a new type of handle-shaped object appeared, with
                                                                                                  added decoration of a phoenix standing above a ‘dragon/man’
    養德堂藏玉中,商、周、漢玉雕為其大宗,多質美工精,雕                                                                    pattern, and the edges decorated with ‘Eastern China-style tooth
                                                                                                  marks’ to emphasise its power to communicate with gods.

    4 黃翠梅,〈流光溢彩 ‧ 翠繞珠圍—西周至春秋早期的梯形牌聯珠串飾〉,陳                                                         There are three ‘handle-shaped objects’ in the Yangdetang
    光祖主編,《金玉交輝—商周考古、藝術與文化論文集》,台北,中央研究院                                                            Collection. Only Lot 2743 is intact and in its original form,
    歷史語言研究所,2013 年。                                                                               while the other two have been altered. Lot 2748 is a undecorated
    4 Huang,Tsuimei,‘Gleaming and Exuberant:Bead-strings with Trapezoidal Plaque from             ‘handle-shaped object’, and its slender form is very similar to the
    Western Zhou to the Early Spring and Autumn Period’, Chen Kwang-tzuu ed., Radi-               example excavated from the Western Zhou tomb in Liutaizi of
    ance between Bronze and Jade: Archaeology, Art, and Culture of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties,  Jiyang, Shandong. However, its lower half has been trimmed, and
    Taipei, Institute of History and Philology,Academia Sinica, 2013.

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