Page 22 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 22

Fig. 15 Late Western Zhou period                   Fig. 16 Early Warring States                Fig. 17 Early Western Han period

    Seven-huang pendant set, excavated from tomb  Jade pendant set, excavated from tomb no.1316 in  Jade pendant set, excavated from tomb of King
          no.2001 of Guo State in Shangcunling                              Zhongzhoulu                              Nanyue in Guangzhou
                          插圖 15 西周晚期                                                                                      插圖 17 西漢早期
            七璜組玉佩 上村嶺虢國 2001 號墓出土                                        插圖 16 戰國早期                                 組玉佩 廣州南越王墓出土
                                                              組玉佩 洛陽中州路 1316 號墓出土

    琢了龍、虎、鳥、人等紋飾,說明古老華東「物精崇拜」傳                    it has been sliced open into two halves and drilled with holes.
    統歷久不衰。                                        After inspecting it in person, Prof. Minao Hayashi suggested that
                                                  it has been altered as tallies. Lot 2744 was a ‘handle-shaped object’
    二里頭文化的陶、銅、玉器少見動物紋。約公元前 1600 年商                finely carved with phoenix pattern, but has been sliced into two
    克夏以後,器物風格相似,直到商中期晚段,隨著國力鼎盛,                   trapezoidal jade plaques.The edges have been drilled with rows of
    沈寂已久的古老華東「物精崇拜」傳統逐漸甦醒,龍、虎、                    holes for the attachment of small agate beads or cylinders, to be
    鳥等動物主題逐漸流行。公元前 1250 年以後的商晚期,動物                used as novel jade pendants around the areas on the sides of the
    形玉雕非常盛行,養德堂藏品中這類立雕、片雕不少,都是                    head and shoulders of a lady. Research indicates that this style of
    縫綴在巫覡衣服上以增加巫覡通靈法力的玉禮器。                        jade pendants could have originated from the Northern steppes. 4

    華西的周族東進克商後,建立了長達八百多年的周王朝(約                    The end of the Western Zhou was very turbulent, and rituals were
    公元前 1046-221 年),實際上,周公東征今日山東地區再分              completely overhauled. The belief in the ancient deity-ancestors
    封齊、魯二國後,周王朝才真正控制黃河中下游。典型的周                    from the Neolithic period, as represented by ‘handle-shaped
    族玉禮為「圭璧組配」與「多璜組玉佩」,前者確實成為此                    objects’ and ‘Eastern China-style tooth marks’, gradually became
    後三千年歷代的玉禮制。養德堂藏二件大且氣派的商晚期至                    obsolete. The fact that these sacred ‘handle-shaped objects’ have
    西周早期玉戈(拍品 2720),就是「圭璧禮制」中的「玉圭」。               been altered for other use is an unmistakable proof of this process.

    西周的多璜組玉佩的單片,常是齊家文化三璜聯璧的散片加                    Shang, Zhou and Han jades feature predominantly in the
    雕龍、虎等紋飾而成,如插圖 15 般地用珠管穿繫,從頸項處                 Yangdetang Collection, and are mostly of fine material and
    掛下。到了春秋中期以後,服飾改變,組玉佩無定制,多從                    workmanship.These are often carved with dragons, tigers, birds or
    腰帶處掛下,如插圖 16, 17。養德堂藏玉中許多精美玉璜、玉               humans, a witness to the enduring tradition of the Eastern China
    佩均屬這類組珮的單元件。                                  area’s ancient ‘animal-spirits’ worship.

    但最值得筆者介紹的是較不受收藏界關愛,卻極富文化內涵                    The pottery, bronze and jade pieces from the Erlitou Culture
    的楚式禮玉。                                        are seldom decorated with animals. When Shang replaced Xia
                                                  around 1600 B.C., the two shared fairly similar decorative styles.
    東周時,周天子的勢力漸衰,長江流域楚國迅速茁壯,遠古華                   It was not until late Mid-Shang period, as the state prospered, that
                                                  the dormant ‘animal-spirits’ worship tradition of ancient Eastern
                                                  China re-emerged. Animal subjects such as dragon, tiger, bird etc.

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