Page 18 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 18
Lot 2710 Lot 2712 Lot 2713
拍品 2710 拍品 2712 拍品 2713
約公元前 2050 年前後,或因爭奪運城盆地解池所產池鹽,山 than 2050 B.C. This will hopefully put a stop to the erroneous
西地區成為華東、華西文化的交匯之地。如地圖所示,華東 theories in academia of the past many years.
條陰線的玉琮,即是地圖中央單獨的一件線圖。由於 2006 年 Some scholars argue that Qijia Culture originated around 2600
它被誤報告為較早的廟二文化,學者們多被誤導以為它是良 B.C. However, most Qijia Culture relics are dated to between
渚文化玉琮向西北傳播的中間產物;近年發掘者更正它出自 2300-1500 B.C. Concurrent in the Western China area was
龍山時期墓葬,年代上限約公元前 2050 年。希望誤導學界多 Shimao Culture in Northern Shaanxi, noted for its black jade
年的說法能就此止息。 yazhang blades and long knives.
有的學者認為公元前 2600 年左右齊家文化即已萌芽,但公元 After Hongshan and Liangzhu Cultures diminished in succession
前 2300 年至公元前 1500 年的八百年,是齊家文化遺存較多的 in the Eastern China area, the Longshan Culture in Shandong (circa
階段,華西地區與之並存的有陝北地區以墨玉牙璋、長刀為 2300-1700 B.C.), a continuation of Dawenkou Culture, developed
特色的石峁文化。 around the lower course of the Yellow River. At the middle course
of theYangzi River, the Post-Shijiahe Culture (circa 2100-1700 B.C.)
華東地區在紅山文化、良渚文化先後衰亡後,黃河下游海岱地 suddenly emerged on the Yangzi-Han Plain after Shijiahe Culture.
區發展了從大汶口文化演進的山東龍山文化(約公元前 2300- Significantly, Shandong and Yangzi-Han, two unconnected areas,
1700 年);長江中游江漢平原則在石家河文化之後異軍突起 perhaps through the ‘elite communication networks’, exchanged
了「後石家河文化」(約公元前 2100-1700 年)。值得注意 the ideas of yin-yang binary deity-ancestor figures.
網」交流陰陽兩性神祖像。 The jade ancestor mask (lot 2722) is a typical example of Post-
Shijiahe Culture. It was probably once fitted at the top with a
養德堂藏玉神祖像(拍品 2722)是典型後石家河文化玉器,上 ‘pointed headdress’ of jade or some other material, which is now
緣可能曾接有玉質或其它質地的「『介』字形冠」,今已佚失。 lost.
拍品 2721 是後石家河文化的鳥紋笄,插於巫覡頭上,或被視 The bird-form hairpin (lot 2721) from the Post-Shijiahe Culture
為能增加巫覡通天能力的法器。 is inserted upright into the Shaman’s hair, and probably a ritual
object to increase Shamans’ powers of communication with
直到 2015 年湖北天門譚家嶺遺址的發掘,才證明了如拍品 heaven.
2723 的玉虎屬後石家河文化。這就更值得我們深思拍品 2717
的玉鉞(插圖 10),究竟屬於那個考古學文化?從它深淺交 It was not until the excavation of Tanjialing in Hubei in 2015
雜碧綠閃玉,及梯形鉞身觀之,應屬山東龍山文化玉兵;但 were we able to date the jade tiger (lot 2723) to the Post-Shijiahe
Culture.This invites further consideration on the identification of
the jade yue adze (lot 2717) (fig. 10). Which ancient culture did
it belong to? From its material of mottled green nephrite, and its