Page 12 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 12

Fig. 01 Zuojiashan Culture    Fig. 02 Songze-Liangzhu Culture           Fig. 04 The deity-ancestor wearing a ‘pointed headdress’, flanked by two
    Stone pig dragon, excavated in  Jade dragon ornament, excavated                        mythical birds, on the pottery bowl of Hemudu Culture

                  Zuojiashan                       in Puanqiao                插圖 04 河姆渡文化陶缽上的戴有「『介』字形冠」的神祖,左右各有一隻神鳥

            插圖 01 左家山文化                     插圖 02 崧澤-良渚文化
             石豬龍 左家山出土                       玉龍首飾 普安橋出土

    Fig. 03 Liangzhu Culture cap-shaped object, carved with a deity-ancestor  Fig. 05 Erlitou Cultrue Jade qi-axe carved with ‘Eastern-China style tooth
                         mask, excavated from tomb no.17 in Fanshan                                            marks’, excavated in Erlitou

                 插圖 03 良渚文化 雕有神祖面紋的冠狀器 反山 17 號墓出土                                      插圖 05 二里頭文化 兩側飾有「華東式扉牙」的玉戚 二里頭出土

    美玉發展「祭器」功能                                                                yielded many jade tools such as chisels, adzes, axes, shovels and
    (約公元前 3500-1600 年)                                                        knives, as well as some simple ornaments. Whether in Eastern or
                                                                              Western China, jades are normally excavated in larger tombs,
    到了公元前 3500 年,也就是距今約五千五百年,社會分化更                                            accompanied often by various other funerary objects. This is a
    明顯。考古資料顯示,華東、華西先民各自創造了不同形制、                                               sign that societies are already becoming hierarchical around 6000-
    紋飾的玉器,都被賦予溝通人神的功能,證明華東、華西史                                                5000 B.C., and fine jades were monopolized as a rare commodity
    前先民的思維信仰有異,所以禮神的儀軌也不同。本文以地                                                by the ruling class. Jades during this period were emblems of the
    圖(頁 13)呈現這種差異。                                                            wearers’ high status.

    總體分析,華東先民觀察各種生物的生命歷程,因而崇拜自                                                A pair of ear ornaments in theYangdetang Collection (lot 2701) is
    幼蟲或胚胎化生為成熟個體的能力,更相信「動物」能增強                                                carved in a thick rounded square form, similar to those excavated
    巫覡溝通人神的法力。所以考古發掘常見規格高的大墓,身                                                in Bai Yinchanghan in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. This type of
    份可能為巫覡的墓主,頭上、胸前、腕上穿戴各種雕有具象至                                               square round and thick form ear ornaments is also found in
    半抽象的動物紋玉飾,腿部出土的玉雕動物多帶隧孔,推測                                                the Kuwano site in Japan, and the Yakut site in Siberia. We can
    是縫綴於法衣下擺。象徵權力的玉鉞偶見琢有神祖像,唯有                                                thus tentatively date it to the late Xinglongwa Culture to early
    玉璧則保持光素無紋。只有良渚文化晚期時(約公元前 2600-                                            Hongshan Culture (5500-4000 B.C.).
    2300 年),最高級的玉璧在器表或圓周上,刻劃與天象相關
    的符號,應具有「通神密碼」的功能。                                                         JADE TAKES ON SACRIFICIAL
                                                                              FUNCTIONS (CIRCA 3500-1600 B.C.)
    型,(插圖 01, 02)或是以一對大眼為中心的動物面。(插                                            From 3500 B.C. onwards, namely 5500 years ago, the social
    圖 03)更常見象徵「通天」的「『介』字形冠」。其來源就                                              hierarchy became even more pronounced.Archeological data show
    是河姆渡文化第三層遺址(約公元前 4500-4000 年)出土陶                                          that the people in Eastern and Western China areas developed
    缽上「圓眼神祖」所戴的冠帽,(插圖 04)正中央上端形成                                              jades of diverging forms and decorations, all made as a medium
    向上升起的尖凸。插圖 03 冠狀器就是「『介』字形冠」,下                                             between man and spirit. This is evidence that the pre-historical
    端小孔可接梳齒以固定於頭頂,被視為有助人們順利「通天」                                               people of these two areas had very different belief systems, and
    以獲取神喻與庇佑。                                                                 therefore different worshipping rituals.The current essay illustrates
                                                                              this with a map (page 13).

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