Page 9 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 9
前言 The Cultivation of Virtue
by Jade
多精雅的古玉令人羨慕外,熟識楊醫師的朋友,都一致認同 Teng Shup’ing
他兼具睿智與謙和的特質,這或是長期與古玉作心靈交流後 Researcher (retired), National Palace
自然流露的美德吧!或因此故,他把自己的收藏取名為「養 Museum, Taipei
楊醫師的古玉收藏在台北先後展出三次。一九九三年元月, INTRODUCTION
一九九九年十月,先後參與國立故宮博物院舉辦的民間收藏 Dr. Yang Chün-hsiung was an archaic jade collector of great
家藏玉聯展,分別展出五十組件、六十五組件,出版於筆者 renown in the collecting world of Taiwan. Not only is his refined
撰寫的《羣玉別藏》及《羣玉別藏續集》二圖錄中。 collection of archaic jades the envy of others, those who knew
him recognised unanimously his unique combination of piercing
楊醫師所藏主要是新石器時代至漢代的古玉,時間跨度自興 wisdom and humility. Perhaps these fine virtues were the result
隆洼文化晚期至東漢(約公元前 5500 至公元 220 年),長達 of being in close contact with archaic jade over a long period of
近六千年,也正是中國玉器史的古典時期,每件古玉都蘊藏 time. It was probably why he named his collection Yangdetang,‘The
深厚的文化內涵。 Hall of the Cultivation of Virtue’.
在編輯《羣玉別藏續集》期間,楊醫師曾口頭表示希望我能 There were three exhibitions in Taipei that featured Dr. Yang’s
為他的收藏撰寫專書。當時我表示因公務繁忙,擬退休後再 archaic jade collection. His first solo exhibition was held in the
來籌劃。很可惜的,楊醫師在我退休之前已仙逝。此次受邀 Chang Foundation in January 1993, and included over a hundred
為楊醫師的收藏精選撰文,或可作為對老友的追思與致意。 pieces. Subsequently, in October 1995 and October 1999, he lent
55 and 65 pieces/sets respectively to the joint exhibitions of private
距離一九九九年「羣玉別藏續集」的展覽與出版已經十八年 collectors in the National Palace Museum. These were published
了。期間大陸考古學高度發展,出土了許多重要的遺物。「文 in two dedicated catalogues Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese
Jades and 1999 Collector’s Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades written
by the current author.