Page 19 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 19
133 來源
LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991) 1963年9月15日由G. J. Reyers先生於上海購自藝術家本
AUTUMN SCENERY 人。 Reyers先生 (1896-1985)是知名荷蘭外交官及漢學
家Roland van den Berg-Reyers的岳父,Roland van den
Ink and colour on paper, framed and under glass Berg-Reyers先生於1962-66年以荷蘭外交部辦公室第三
signed, with one seal of the artist 秘書的身份首次被派往中國,1986年出任荷蘭駐中國
32.5 by 33 cm, 12 ½ by 13 in. 大使,任期至1992年。此拍品由其岳父於1982年贈予
PROVENANCE van den Berg-Reyers伉儷,並由家族繼承至今。
Acquired directly from the artist in Shanghai by Roland and Mieke
van den Berg-Reyers on 15th September 1963. Dutch diplomat
and sinologist Roland van den Berg was first posted to China as
Third Secretary in the Office of the Netherlands Charge d’Affaires 135
from 1962 to 1966. H.E. Roland van den Berg returned to China
in 1986 and served as Dutch Ambassador to China from 1986 to PROPERTY FROM A DUTCH FAMILY COLLECTION
1992. The painting was gifted to their youngest son in 2006. ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
£ 30,000-50,000
Ink on paper, hanging scroll
林風眠(1900-1991年) signed, with two seals of the artist
《秋》 設色紙本 鏡框
each 21.5 by 127 cm, 8 ½ by 50 in.
133 款識︰林風眠 PROVENANCE
鈐印︰「林風眠印」 Acquired in China by Drs. Roland van den Berg, between
1962 to 1966. Dutch diplomat and sinologist Roland van den
Berg, posted in China as Third Secretary in the Office of the
來源 Netherlands Charge d’Affaires from 1962 to 1966. H.E. Roland
1963年9月15日由Roland and Mieke van den Berg-Reyers伉 van den Berg returned to China in 1986 and served as Dutch
儷於上海購自藝術家本人。Roland van den Berg-Reyers Ambassador to China from 1986 to 1992.
辦公室第三秘書的身份首次被派往中國,1986年出任 £ 20,000-30,000
贈予幺子的禮物。 張大千(1899-1983年)
《行書七言聯》 水墨紙本 立軸
134 來源
此拍品由Roland van den Berg先生得於中國,此後家族
LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991) 繼承。Roland van den Berg先生於1962-66年以荷蘭外交
GEESE FLYING BY THE REEDS 部辦公室第三秘書的身份首次被派往中國,1986年出
Ink and colour on paper, framed
signed, with one seal of the artist
33.5 by 30 cm, 13 ¼ by 12 in.
Acquired directly from the artist in Shanghai by Mr. G. J. Reyers
on 15th September 1963. Mr. Reyers (1896-1985) was the
father-in-law of Mr. van den Berg who was gifted the painting by
his father-in-law in 1982. Dutch diplomat and sinologist Roland
van den Berg, posted in China as Third Secretary in the Office
of the Netherlands Charge d’Affaires from 1962 to 1966. H.E. 135
Roland van den Berg returned to China in 1986 and served as
Dutch Ambassador to China from 1986 to 1992.
134 £ 20,000-30,000
林風眠 (1900-1991年)
《蘆燕圖》 設色紙本 鏡框
34 Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right 35
(which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.