Page 24 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
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        PROPERTY FROM A SCOTTISH PRIVATE COLLECTION  元   玉馬                                                         PROPERTY FROM A SCOTTISH PRIVATE COLLECTION  唐或以後   玉駱駝
        A MOTTLED JADE FIGURE OF A RECUMBENT                                                                        A RARE MOTTLED JADE FIGURE OF A
        HORSE                                       來源                                                              RECUMBENT BACTRIAN CAMEL                   來源
        YUAN DYNASTY                                Isaac Newton博士收藏                                                TANG DYNASTY OR LATER                      Richard C. Bull 伉麗收藏
                                                    Bluett & Sons Ltd.,倫敦,1985年5月22日                                                                           紐約蘇富比1983年12月6日,編號212
        resting its head on outstretched front legs, with large round                                               well carved with its front and rear legs neatly tucked beneath   Bluett & Sons Ltd.,倫敦,1985年
        eyes beneath pricked ears, and a finely incised mane either   展覽                                            the body, the head with almond-shaped eyes and large lobed
        side of the strong neck, the greyish-white stone with pale                                                  ears, its beard, humps and tail finely incised and detailed, the
        inclusions                                  《Dr Newton’s Zoo, A Study of Post-Archaic Small Jade            mottled light olive-brown stone with dark grey veining and   展覽
        Length 10.4 cm, 4⅛ in.                      Carvings》’Bluett & Sons Ltd., 倫敦,1981年,編號47                     caramel inclusions                         《Chinese Jade》,費城大學博物館,1962年,編號157
                                                                                                                    Length 11.5 cm, 4½ in.                     克里夫蘭藝術博物館,1963年
        PROVENANCE                                                                                                                                             《Jade Through The Centuries》,China House,1969年,
        Collection of Dr. Isaac Newton.                                                                             PROVENANCE                                 編號37
        Bluett & Sons Ltd., London, 22nd May 1985.                                                                  Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bull, Philadelphia.  《Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages》,東方陶瓷學會,
                                                                                                                    Sotheby’s New York, 6th December 1983, lot 212.
        LITERATURE                                                                                                  Bluett & Sons Ltd., London, 1985.          倫敦維多利亞與阿爾伯特博物館,1975年,編號258
        Dr Newton’s Zoo, A Study of post-Archaic Small Jade Carvings,
        Bluett & Sons Ltd., London, 1981, cat. no. 47.                                                              EXHIBITED                                  出版
                                                                                                                    Chinese Jade, University Museum, Philadelphia, 1962, no. 157.  W. B. Trousdale,‘Chinese Jade at Philadephia’,
        £ 8,000-12,000                                                                                              Cleveland Museum of Art, 1963.             《Oriental Art》,Vol. X., no. 2, 1984年,第113頁,圖版23
                                                                                                                    Jade Through The Centuries, China House, 1969, no. 37.
                                                                                                                    Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages, Oriental Ceramic Society,
                                                                                                                    Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1975, cat. no. 258.
                                                                                                                    W. B. Trousdale, ‘Chinese Jade at Philadelphia’, Oriental Art,
                                                                                                                    Vol. X, no. 2, 1984, p. 113, pl. 23.
                                                                                                                    £ 20,000-30,000


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