Page 26 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 26

147                                                                                                         148
        A RARE MINIATURE GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF A    This charming little figure is part of a group of a set of figures   A SMALL GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA   唐   鎏金銅佛坐像
        BODHISATTVA                                 of the same miniature size and pose. Exquisitely cast and       TANG DYNASTY
        LATE TANG DYNASTY/FIVE DYNASTIES            richly gilt they may have been part of a miniature altar placed                                            來源
                                                    in a reliquary chamber underneath a pagoda in the late Tang     serenely seated in dhyanasana on a richly draped base, his   法國私人舊藏
        seated on a tiered double lotus pedestal with hands held in   period. A set of figures from the collection of the Idemitsu   right hand raised in abhaya mudra, his left hand resting on
        namaskara mudra before the chest, wearing a diaphanous   Museum of Arts, Tokyo, is published in Ancient Chinese Art   his knee, a diaphanous robe draped over his shoulders and
        robe and jewelled necklaces, the face with a contemplative   in the Idemitsu Museum, Tokyo, 1989, pl. 347. Several other   falling in elaborate folds across his arms and gathering around
        expression, the long hair pulled up into a topknot and secured   examples have been sold at auction, compare two figures   his legs, the broad face with a serene expression, framed by
        with a circled crown                        missing the pedestal base, sold in Christie’s New York, 2nd     pendulous earlobes, the hair gathered around the domed
        (2)                                         June 1989, lot 107, and another pair sold in Sotheby’s London,   ushnisha
        Height 6 cm, 2⅜ in.                         5th December 1995, lot 26.                                      Height 12.8 cm, 5 in.
        ‡ £ 10,000-15,000                                                                                           PROVENANCE
                                                                                                                    Formerly in a French collection.
        唐末/五代   鎏金銅菩薩坐像
                                                                                                                    £ 30,000-50,000

        48      Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated a above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right                            49
                (which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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