Page 21 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 21

137                                                                                                         Pairs of large confronted birds prominently displaying   confronted pairs of large birds with arched plumage create
                                                                                                                    flamboyant plumed crests and tails encircling the head and   a continuous, fluid movement that presents a stark contrast
        PROPERTY OF A BELGIAN COLLECTOR             西周   青銅鳳鳥紋簋                                                     body fill the space on both sides of this magnificent bronze   to the angular compartmented designs on Shang and early
        A RARE LARGE ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL                                                                          vessel. In the evolution of this particular motif the birds   Western Zhou bronzes.
        FOOD VESSEL, GUI                            銘文:作寳簋                                                          represented on this gui appear at the height in the middle of   Vessels cast with this particular type of large, flamboyant
        WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, CA. 10TH CENTURY BC                                                                   the Western Zhou dynasty. During the Anyang phase of the   bird designs are rare. Compare two gui of smaller size with
                                                    來源                                                              Shang dynasty, small birds occupied secondary positions in   a very similar motif in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington
        of large size, the wide rounded body raised on a tall splayed   倫敦蘇富比1986年12月9日,編號14                        subordinate registers in the overall designs of ritual bronzes.   DC, published in John Alexander Pope, Rutherford John
        foot, crisply cast in relief on each side with a pair of prominent   Gisele Croes, 布魯塞爾                     Only in the early part of the Western Zhou period did bird   Gettens, James Cahill and Noel Barnard (eds.), The Freer
        confronted birds, each with flamboyant plumed crests, with   布魯塞爾私人收藏                                       motifs suddenly appear in more prominent placements on   Chinese Bronzes, Vol. I, Catalogue, Washington, 1967, pls.
        raised eyes and heads turned back towards a high plumed                                                     ritual vessels. Parallel to the bird motifs moving to central   69 and 70. Jung Keng illustrates another two gui cast with
        tail circling their bodies, all on a ground of leiwen, flanked                                              positions on bronzes, the sizes and forms of birds changed,   large birds in his The Bronzes of Shang and Chou, Vol. II,
        by flanged handles with intaglio scrolls issuing from horned   出版                                           an adaptation that was may have been linked to new vessel   Yenching Journal of Chinese Studies Monograph Series
        bovine heads set with pendant tabs, the base encircled by a   劉雨及盧岩,《近出殷周金文集錄》,北京,2002年,                    shapes such as you and gui.                No. 17, Yenching University, Beijing, 1941, pp. 146 and 147,
        narrow band of confronted stylized dragons, the inside with   圖版405                                         Tall birds with arched plumes and tails appear on vessels of   nos. 271 and 272. Compare also closely related examples
        three pictograms zuo bao gui, the smooth surface patinated   汪濤及劉雨,《流散歐美殷周有銘青銅器集錄》,                         more generous rounded proportions such as the present gui   including a gui with a cover, from a mid-Western Zhou
        to a greenish-brown tone                    上海,2007年,圖版85                                                   whose forms they enhanced. Jessica Rawson who describes   dynasty tomb excavated at Zhuangbaijia, Fufeng county,
        Width across handles 35 cm, 13 ¾ in.                                                                        the evolution of the bird motif on Western Zhou bronzes,   Shaanxi province, published in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji,
                                                                                                                    notes that during the middle Western Zhou period large   vol. 5, Beijing, 1996, pl. 59. A gui with a related design in
        PROVENANCE                                  上海,2012年,編號03906                                                plumed birds motifs on vessels such as gui and you formed a   the Palace Museum, Beijing, from the Qing court collection,
        Sotheby’s London, 9th December 1986, lot 14.                                                                small but influential series and enjoyed comparatively short   with similar large bird on the body, is illustrated in The
        Gisele Croes, Brussels.                                                                                     lived popularity, see Jessica Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual   Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
        Private Collection, Brussels.                                                                               Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, Washington,   Bronze Ritual Vessels and Musical Instruments, Hong Kong,
                                                                                                                    D.C., 1990, pp. 79-80. On vessels such as the present gui,   2006, pl. 30.
        Liu Yu and Lu Yan (eds.), Jin chu Yin Zhou jinwen jilu
        [Compilation of Recently Discovered Archaic Bronze
        Inscriptions], Beijing, 2002, pl. 405.
        Wang Tao and Liu Yu, A Selection of Early Chinese Bronzes
        with Inscriptions from Sotheby’s and Christie’s Sales, Shanghai,
        2007, pl. 85.
        Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang
        jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions and images of bronzes
        from Shang and Zhou Dynasties], vol. 25, Shanghai, 2012, no.

        £ 80,000-120,000

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                (which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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