Page 20 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 20
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) Acquired in China by Drs. Roland van den Berg, between 《煙波適志圖》 設色紙本 手卷
MISTY RIVER LANDSCAPE 1962 to 1966. Dutch diplomat and sinologist Roland van den
Berg, posted in China as Third Secretary in the Office of the 題識:寒夜燈昏酒盞空,關心偶見畫圖中;可憐大地
Ink and colour on paper, handscroll Netherlands Charge d’Affaires from 1962 to 1966. H.E. Roland
signed, inscribed, with two seals of the artist van den Berg returned to China in 1986 and served as Dutch 魚蝦盡,猶有垂竿老釣翁此吾家冷齋贈大滌子句也,
title slip by Zhu Wenjun (1882-1937), selected colophons by Ambassador to China from 1986 to 1992. 為少亭世兄寫之,大千居士
Wu Hufan (1894-1968), dated renshen (1932), and with one 鈐印:張爰,大千居士
seal of his; by Pu Ru (1896-1963), and with one seal of his; £ 20,000-30,000
by Tao Beiming (1882-1956), dated renshen (1932), and with 引首:煙波適志圖,少亭属题, 翼盦。
two seals of his; by Xiang Dicong (1889-1969), and with two 鈐印: 朱文均印, 翼盦
seals of his; by Xu Shixiang (1886-1941), and with one seal of
his; by Wang Rong (1896-1972), and with two seals of his; by 後有題跋者若干:如吳湖帆,溥儒,陶北溟,向迪琮,
Yu Fei’an (1888-1959), and with one seal of his; by Zhu Baoci 徐世襄,汪溶,于非闇,朱葆慈,黃賓虹,謝無量
(1880-1950), and with three seals of his; by Huang Binhong
(1865-1955), and with one seal of his; by Xie Wuliang (1884- 及戴亮吉等
1964), dated yihai (1935), by Dai Liangji (1883-1966), and with
one seal of his. 來源
the painting, 28.5 by 95.5cm, 11 ¼ by 38 in, overall 485 cm 此拍品由Roland van den Berg先生得於中國,此後家族
190in. long 繼承。Roland van den Berg先生於1962-66年以荷蘭外交
36 Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right 37
(which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.