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           A ‘CHICKEN BONE’ JADE TWO-HANDLED CUP             Finely carved with a pair of handles recalling sinuous chilong and
           16th/17th century                                 decorated with stylised taotie masks, the shape of the present cup is
           The vessel expertly hollowed and flanked by a pair of everted handles   inspired by the archaic food vessel, gui, which stored food offerings
           carved with scrollwork motifs on curved supports, the body carved on   reserved for the ancestors of the most important families of the time.
           the exterior with pavilions nestling amongst pine, willow and rockwork,   The gui and ding forms were the most commonly imitated shapes
           raised on a short foot with a flared rim, with hongmu stand.   during the Ming dynasty, when they served as incense burners or
           13.2cm (5 1/4in) wide. (2).                       water holders for the scholar’s table. Their form and decoration clearly
                                                             underscored the literati’s fascination with the past and its intrinsic
           £6,000 - 8,000                                    values of harmony and simplicity.

           CNY54,000 - 72,000                                The present cup’s subject matter recalls the literati’s longing to
                                                             commune with nature where they forged their identity as poets,
           十六/十七世紀 雞骨玉雕雙耳盃                                   philosophers and calligraphers, away from the mundane world of
                                                             political affairs.
           K.C. Wong                                         Compare with two related jade two-handled cups, 16th/17th century,
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., London                        in the British Museum, London, illustrated by J.Rawson, Chinese
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired from the above on    Jades from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, p.388, fig.8.
           4 June 1930, and thence by descent
                                                             A related green jade two-handled cup, Ming dynasty, was sold at
           Published and Exhibited:                          Sotheby’s New York, 19 March 2019, lot 208.
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., The Wong Collection of Ancient Chinese Jades,
           London, 1930, no.434                              造型典雅秀麗,兼具古樸之風。器身造型源自商周青銅器簋,器耳由
           來源:                                               石景緻,頗為別緻,觀者可寄情於景,超然物外。
           K.C. Wong舊藏
           倫敦古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd.                           明代仿古器多以青銅器為原型。商周的簋形器,往往與鼎成組相配,
           倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1928年6月4日購自上者,        作為標誌貴族等級身份的禮器。至明時,已成為仿古器中最為常見的
           並由後人保存迄今                                          造型,用於文人案頭作為貯放香料的香薰或水丞。

           展覽著錄:                                             參考倫敦大英博物館館藏兩例十六/十七世纪紀玉雙耳盃,收錄於
           Bluett & Sons Ltd.,《The Wong Collection of Ancient Chinese   J.Rawson著,《Chinese Jades from the Neolithic to the Qing》,
           Jades》,倫敦,1930年,編號434                             倫敦,1995年,頁388,圖版8。另見一例明碧玉雕簋式爐,售於紐約

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           34  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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