Page 40 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 40

                                             A RARE PALE GREEN AND RUSSET JADE
                                             INSCRIBED ARCHAISTIC CUP
                                             Ming Dynasty
                                             The deep oval vessel set on a short foot with
                                             spreading rim, carved with three horizontal
                                             bands, the upper bearing a two-line archaic-
                                             character inscription, the middle register with
                                             stylised archaistic chilong motifs, the lower
                                             with scrollwork designs, the openwork handle
                                             carved in the form of a sinuous scrolling
                                             dragon, the greenish-yellow stone with russet
                                             veining and inclusions.
                                             11cm (4 3/8in) high.
                                             £12,000 - 18,000
                                             CNY110,000 - 160,000
                                             明 青白玉仿古紋觥

                                             Spink & Son Ltd., London,
                                             E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired
                                             from the above on 30 November 1938, and
                                             thence by descent
           Lot 7 (invoice)
                                             倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.
                                             倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1938

                                             Archaistic jade vessels similar to the present   玉質青黃,赭褐沁呈色自然。橢圓體,深膛
                                             lot were probably based on jade rhytons   矮足,口微侈。器外壁環以三周紋飾,最上
                                             dating to the Han dynasty. See a jade vessel   一週為明異體篆書銘文兩行,中層雕螭龍
                                             excavated from the tomb of the King of   紋,下層飾羽翅紋。鏤空盃鋬以一矯健遊龍
                                             Nanyue, Guangdong Province, illustrated by   造型。
                                             J.Rawson in Chinese Jade from the Neolithic
                                             to the Qing, London, 1995, p.70, fig.61,   此類仿古玉器多以漢代玉觥為濫觴。如廣東
                                             which, in turn, appears to have been based   西漢南越王墓中出土一件角形玉盃,圖見
                                             on Western Asian forms shaped as horns   J.Rawson著,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic
                                             rising from a twisted, bifurcated tail-form   to the Qing》,倫敦,1995年,頁70,圖61;
                                             handle at the bottom and incised around the   其器形源於西亞,形似犀角,底部捲曲成把
                                             sides with scroll decoration. By the Song   手,盃身纏以回環往復之龍紋。至宋明兩代,
                                             and Ming dynasties, this shape was modified   該類器型持續發生衍變,盃身多飾以仿東週及
                                             and the sides carved with bands of archaistic   兩漢時期青銅禮器及玉器之紋樣,並常見高浮
                                             decoration inspired by that found on ritual   雕螭龍紋,鋬以龍造型為多。
                                             bronzes and jades of the Eastern Zhou and
                                             Han dynasties, often with the addition of   比較一例清宮舊藏明代玉仿古銅紋單耳盃,
                                             chilong carved in high relief around the sides,   外壁亦雕三周紋飾,收錄於《故宮博物院藏
                                             and sometimes with a dragon-form handle,   文物珍品全集:玉器(中)》,香港,1995,
                                             such as the one which can be noted on the   頁232-233,編號183。另有一例十七世纪紀青
                                             present cup.                     黃玉雕角盃,售於倫敦佳士得,2010年11月
                                             Compare with a related jade cup, Ming
                                             dynasty, decorated with archaistic designs of
           Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing  cicadas, taotie masks and stylised dragons,
                                             in the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in
                                             The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
                                             Palace Museum, vol.2, Hong Kong, 1995,
                                             pp.232-233, no.183.

                                             A related yellowish-celadon jade rhyton cup,
                                             17th century, was sold at Christie’s London,
                                             12 November 2010, lot 1178.

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